Chapter 5

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! VeRy BoRiNg ChApTeR !
She then says...

" Jiminie... you make me very happy ever since the past.."

Jimin doesn't say anything. He's confused.

"Jimin..?" She looks at him worried. "Please answer me"

"..Jimin.." she says once more. "nevermind" Lisa mumbles. As the two of them are under the covers, Lisa however scoots closer to Jimin and wraps her legs around Jimin's legs.

Jimin then responds, "Lisa, I think I have feelings for you."

She smiles awkwardly. A flash of memories wash over her.

Then her sudden actions grab Jimin's hand and says,"Goodnight Jimin " Lisa says with a yawn.

"Goodnight Lisa"

Jimin instantly relies back after embarrassing himself.

He blushes.

With that Lisa's eyes heavy and give in to sleep. As to Jimin who can't seem to stop staring at her.

His gaze slowly ends as the darkness caves in. They both fall asleep.

- Time skip -
-(just because they are sleeping and I don't have any detailed ideas about sleeping)-

Once again another morning I wake up with the sun clouding up my room.

My alarm hasn't went off yet. Strange.

I then around to face an empty spot on my bed where a sleeping man is suppose to be. Jimin.

She lifts the bridge of her nose up high in the air. The smell of burned food catches her attention.

Aish this kid. What is he doing?

She says hopping out of bed onto the cold floor that meets with her feet. Where are her slippers?


As Lisa walks out of her bedroom to the kitchen she walks past a certain picture hanging up on the wall in the hallway. Tracing her fingers around the time of its picture frame this suddenly snaps out of her world into reality.

Clanking pans can be heard from the kitchen. Whatbis Jimin doing?

Lisa takes quiet steps toward the kitchen. When she reaches the kitchen, she peeps her head around the corner where a messy Jimin stands making a mess in the kitchen.

Like literally the kitchen is a disaster.

Pans and pots laying around. Shattered eggs on the counter. Flour sprinkled everywhere. Water poured over the floor. And then Jimin.

Jimin wearing MY slippers, apron, and oven mits.

His hair is tucked in with even a hat. How adorable. As he fiddles with the oven changing the degrees, Lisa tiptoes over to Jimin's side and pokes him.

"Jimin" she spoke with a morning voice.

"Hey Lisa. I sorta made breakfast.." he scratches the back of his neck looking around at the kitchen that was once beautiful to a disaster.

"I can see" Lisa reaches over and turns off the oven.

"Hey! I'm making eggs!" He shouts.

"What eggs?" She laughs picking up an empty egg carton. "Oh sorry" jimin replies after noticing that there's no eggs.

He laughs.

"I was trying to make you breakfast, but then things got difficult and confusing!" Jimin pouts.

Lisa starts laughing.

"At least you tried. Let's clean up and then make breakfast again." She says taking off the apron and oven mits Jimin has on.

"Okay" Jimin says taking his items he wore and hangs them up on the rack.

- Time Skip just because I'm lazy -

After they had cleaned up Jimin's disaster, they turned the oven back on and mixed the ingredients as it told on the paper in the cookbook.

As Lisa cooks. Jimin messes around with Lisa's hair. He braids her hair into two frenchbraids.

Lisa finishes wirh her last pancake and right as she turns the oven off; with Jimin behind her, braiding her hair. That same moment Jimin says, " it's perfect!"

She turns around and thanks Jimin for braiding her hair.

Jimin decides to set the table since she did the cooking. He places the plates nice and neat on the table with a fork and napkin to enjoy our meal with.

Lisa walks in and is amazed as Jimin walks towords Lisa with a warming smile.

"See. I can do nice things"

"You sure can Jiminie. I'm proud" Lisa replies after noticing that he had placed everything neat.

"Let's eat!" Jimin says. Lisa and Jimin wall over to the table sitting proper and enjoying her delicious food.

As there is silence, Jimin says," I don't really remember the past with you and I, can you tell me?"

Lisa stops all motions and sets down her fork, chewing slowly on her food that sets in her mouth.

"U-um... if you don't remember I will tell you.." she breaths out a shaky breath.

Jimin nods. How could he forget a memory with Lisa? His high school crush.

So what I'm gonna do is tell the past about Jimin and Lisa. It's actually very sad.
Also I'm sorry, I said I'll update after my homework on the previous chapter and I didnt. Really sorry.
So hears a chapter.
It's sucks.


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