Chapter 10

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Jade wants an update and so I'm updating. I have no clue what to write so here's some shitty shit.

He says,"I wish Lisa was all mine..."

Jimin looked back up and looked at you, making sure you didn't hear him. He didn't like Hoseok tagging along with you two. He was like the third wheel.

"Well, let's go!" Lisa said happily, already eating pieces of candy and looped arms with Hoseok and Jimin.

He ignored Hoseok most of the time going home and only paid attentionto Lisa. Hoseok got the idea that he basically was interrupting yours and Jimin's time.

"Hey um.. Lisa, could you drop me off at my apartment, I don't feel very well.." Hoseok said, wanting to leave the both of you to do whatever the thought you and Jimin were doing today.

"Yeah, sure. Are you okay though?" She said kind of worried, the tone she used was.. calm and relaxing. Jimin looked at Hoseok and softly scoffed but noded and smiled as to what he thought Hoseok was thinking.

"Yes, I just feel tired. Maybe some rest will do." He said responding right after and Lisa drove him home. "The snow stopped.." Jimin said looking towards you as Hoseok got out and walked to the lobby of his apartment, slipping into the doors and disappearing up to his room.

"It did, do you want to stay with me tonight again?" Lisa looked over at Jimin and slowl started driving away to her house. "Cause I'm not driving back." She giggles quietly sliding her hand over his then back to the steering wheel.

"Yeah, I was hoping to spend another night at your house,.. I actually have to tell you something.." He looked out of his window, breathing onto it softly to make little hearts like he did when he was a child.

"What is the 'something' you want to tell me Minie?" As soon as she said that he imediantly went soft, he could even speak words. His heart was fluttering so much. He really did want Lisa, he wanted her so much.

"I'll tell you when we get there, maybe. " he responded looking out to the window again. It was getting dark and there was a little chilly wind.

Time went by as they finally made it back to Lisa's house. Both, Jimin and Lisa walked in the door, tearing off their layers, leaving them in their regular and remaining clothing.

"So um.. Lisa, I was going to tell you-" as he said that Lisa interrupted him and put a finger to his lips.

He shut his mouth and listened to what Lisa had to say.

"Jiminieeee" she whined. "Lets drink!" Lisa said dragging Jimin into the kitchen, sitting him down in a chair and climbing into the kitchen counter tops, reaching up and grabbing two bottles of liquor.

As for Jimin.. well, he had a good view of Lisa's ass. (Like yumm, I'm kidding don't hate me)

She climbed down off the counter top and made her way over Jimin. Okay so maybe she did have feelings for Jimin but she never showed any of it to him. She always tried being like bestest friends with him.., But at times she liked Jimin, alot.

Jimin bit his lip, kind of afraid of drinking with Lisa but also liking the idea to hang out with her.

But then, Lisa sat the bottles down, making a small noise as they stood up on the table. Then she set herself onto Jimin's lap, swiftly setting her legs on the outer layer of his legs and sneaking a small smile on her lips. Lisa wrapped her arms around his torso, leaning her head on his chest.

Jimin froze. He didn't know what to do. All he could do is stare at her. "L-lisa wha-" he said with a shaky voice.

"I said, let's drink." she said as she looked at him sternly while grabbing a bottle of liquor next to them.

"Erm.. Lisa, are you okay?"

Lisa glared at him. "Am I "okay?" that's a stupid question Chim Chim."

"Sorry, I'm sorry.. that was a stupid question." he stared at Lisa. "B-but you could've g-grabbed a chair.." he complained.

Lisa took a big gulp of liquor, letting the bitter and sour liquid wash through her mouth and swallowed it.

ha cliffhanger bitches

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