Chapter 4

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Sorry ! I should make a bite to myself to update for you guys. Anyways here you have a sucky chapter...

After texting Jennie you slide tour phone from your hands to your pocket and put your phone in there.

You can practically see Jimin walking back with our food.

Kimbap. Mmm. It's really good.

He approaches our table and sets the dishes infront of the two of us. "Thank you Chim" I say. He nods and picks up his eating utensils, taking a bite of his Kimbap. I smile and raise my Kimbap that lies on my eating utensil.

We eat in a silence, it's comfortable and friendly.

He starts with a conversation, "Lisa~" he says softly.

"Hm?" I say enjoying my food before looking up to him and asking. "When your finished,.. can we go to your place again? Hoseok is kinda mad at me..."

"Why..?" I ask putting down my food and utensils and put my hands on his.



"Jimin! Did you eat all the Lucky Charms again?!?" Hoseok angrily says. Jimin mumbles," it wasn't my fault that I didn't have dinner last night!"

Hoseok pauses. "I told you that was an accident"

Jimin days sternly,"fine but I ate the Lucky Charms cause I was hungry and I deserve it." He takes a bite of his Lucky Charms.

Hoseok looks at him dead in the eye. "Give me some" jimin looks at him and says, "ha, no way. This is mine. Go get some more at the store."

"That's its. Fine I will." After that Jimin felt bad and decided to go to Lisa's.

Flashback ended-

As Jimin finished up his story telling to Lisa, he glanced at the outside and said, "it's getting dark, shall we finish up and get going?"

Lisa nods and gets up grabbing her things. Jimin speaks," Imma go pay and then we can go, mkay?"

"Okay" Lisa replies with a yawn. "Hurry thou or else your carrying me back." Jimin smiles and rushes of the payment area.

Lisa stands there tiredly and whines. As she sees Jimin she smiles happily and says,"you were to slow so you will carry me" Lisa remarks cutely.

"Wha -okay" Jimin knees down and allows Lisa to climb on his back getting comfy.

As Lisa climbs onto Jimin's back and wraps her tiny legs around his built waist he stands up but the has to prop her up higher on his back so it's comfortable for him.

He coughs. "Lisa... could you, uhm.. slide up a little?"

Lisa nods tiredly. Once she replied she slide up a tiny bit. Jimin chuckles. "Nevermind I'll do it."

He places his hands under her legs and slides her up. "Better?" He says*

"Yes. It's cold Jiminie." Jimin mumbles an 'I know' and starts to walk, seeing a couple of people glance and stare at them.

After a couple of steps, Jimin hears cute little snores escape Lisa's mouth. He laughs. "You're sure tired Lisa".

The night sky washes over the darkness with bright gleaming stars. 'It's beautiful' Jimin says in his head.

Jimin takes his final steps until he reaches the door. It's unlocked so he twists the doorknob and pushes the door lightly.

Skillfully Jimin closes the door and takes his shoes off without laying Lisa down or waking her up.

As he's walking to the bedroom with no lights turned on her bumps a wall making Lisa let out a groan.

Swiftly he makes it there and turns the bright lamp light on next to her bed.

Light instantly flashes Jimin's eyes. Closing his eyes, he turns to the bed and opens them in order to see.

Once he lays Lisa softly on the bed, he takes off her coat and shoes. "Uhm..." he says to himself. "If I wake you I'll be in trouble but if I leave you in these clothes then you're body will ache."

He pokes you.

No response. He pokes you again.

Nope. Still asleep.


Nothing. "Aish. Your so difficult Lisa" He lightly shakes you.

You awake. "Hmm" is the first thing that comes out of your mouth.

"Well uhm.. you -dont you need to change out of your day clothes and get y-your pj's on?" Jimin says quietly.

"Oh yeah. Right!" She laughs nervously.

"I'll do the same" Jimin walks to his small dresser in the closet and grabs his clothes heading to the bathroom.

While Jimin is changing so is Lisa in the bedroom.

As Jimin comes out of the bathroom Lisa is finishes with her changing and makes eye contact with him averting him to the bed.

He nods in agreement and head to the bed getting under the covers. Lisa follows in pursuit and suddenly turns around on the bed and faces Jimin.

She then says...

I'm leaving this as a cliffhanger so I can get another chapter in for you guys. I feel bad so that's why. Also if you want to know why I'm so slow. 1: I'm lazy
2: I type on my phone (which is small)
3: I'm busy with school

Now I can do my homework real fast and make the next chapter.


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