Chapter 12

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[the ending is coming in the next chapter]


I woke up feeling quite dizzy and had a huge migraine.

I rolled around to feel a warm body next to mine. I assumed Jimin spent the night again.

Lisa looked under the blanket and saw that she was naked.. and jimin was. She instantly sat up fast and gasped loudly, hitting jimins chest.

Jimin groaned once you hit him. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at you, "What was that for?"

All of a sudden a huge migraine came into her head. It was the hangover.

"Fuck!... Jimin, we slept together last night.. we fucked!" she held her head as she said her words to him.

Jimin was holding his forehead under the blanket.

"I know. We did. It was great." he chuckled slightly but it hurt his head even more.

Lisa got up, pulling the sheet around her body and went to the kitchen and got some painkillers for her and Jimin.

Meanwhile, Jimin got up and got his clothes back on. Stretching,  he started to walk to the kitchen.

He saw Lisa getting the painkillers, holding the sheet firmly around her, filling a glass of water.

Jimin went to Lisa and hugged her waist, leaning his head against her back, not caring about the migraine he has of right now.


isa smiled.

"Can we get together.. like.. a couple?" Jimin questioned, closing his eyes as he held the sheet around her so she could fill the water up in the cup.

"I- um.. Jimin, I'm sure it was just an accident. We were both drunk." Lisa paused for a moment.

Jimin frowned. "You came at me. You started this.. so I'm going to ask you two questions and you need to answer me with full honesty." he let go of her.

"Do you love me?" he then looked at you. "and will you be my girlfriend?"

Lisa dropped the cup in the sink and looked at Jimin with widened eyes.

Lisa gulped. "I do love you.."

Jimin felt his heart sink a little. He felt as if he messed up. As if he shouldnt of said the last question. He started to regret it but decided to let her finish.

"Yes.. yes, I'll be your girlfriend!" she said and hugged him, ignoring her head throbbing from the insane hangover she was experiencing.


short chapter cause im bored and decided to update.

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