Chapter 2

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You woke up with the sun beaming out from your curtains that that barely gazed upon your morning face.

Well that was morning, every morning, bright and shining.

You looked right infront of your face to see a sleeping Jimin snoozing away. But he was just way to close. He was inches away from my face, his hot breath pushing directly in your face.

His small snores softly fill the room; well besides the birds chirping and the cars passing by, along with my breath against his.

I slowly got off the bed trying not to wake the sleeping beast up. I'm sure his snores cover my loud moments but no, he had to roll over my arm.

So now my arm is being crushed under the muscular human being. As gentle as possible trying not to wake him. And then-

"Lisa, what are you doing"

Uh-oh. Damn it, I shouldn't of done that, but all well.

"Hi, Jimin. Sorry for disturbing your sleep it's just that your laying on my arm."

"Oh, sorry 'bout that." He lifts up his body and scoots a little closer. "Dude, your breathe stinks, go brush your  teeth, ChimChim."

"Why are you so rude?" "Why can't I be rude? You're just... ugh.. how do I say this, you're a man.. get over it." You say playfully but rudely at the same time. "Fine." He flings the blankets up and over the other side of the bed. Then he storms out nudging me while walking past me with a smile on his face but doesn't show it.

I'm so mean.

"Jiminie", she calls out. He walks in the bedroom with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. Foam fuming out of the sides of his mouth.

"What?" He says rudely. "Hey, don't use that tone at me, young man." Lisa cringes at what she just said. Lisa let's out a small giggle. "I'm your oppa, not a young man." "Okay, oppa is just, no, I'm not calling you that, or maybe I will"

"So what did you call me for?"

"I called you because look at my bed, you need to help me. You slept in here with me, so you help me". He takes out his toothbrush and walks back to the bathroom finishing his brushing to come back and fix the bed with me.


What do you wanna do today, Jimin? I shrug. "I don't know, maybe we could go to the food court and get some food."

"Omg, what is it with you and food?". "Really, you ask that question. First off, food is delicious, only when and if you want it. Food is your best friend, your survival source. Plus it has different categories."

"Fine, I don't want to hear you talk anymore, let's just go already." He whines. "I knew it. I always get my way with you." she snickers.

Because I like you lisa.

As you guess walked to the food court you saw that there was a boy on a bech. "Jimin, look". You point a finger to the small boy.

He nods for me to walk to him.

"Hey, um.. little boy.." you say softly. He doesn't respond. He just crys. You poke his shoulder. This time he looks at you, but with lost eyes. He's  drowning into a river of tears.

"Hey now, don't cry. It's alright." Lisa now hugs the small boy gently. He flinched. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not gonna hurt you." The boy whimpers. He says, "I can't find my eomma; can you help me, noona?"

Lisa awed the small boy causing him to look up.

"Well of course I can" Lisa said softly. Jimin says, "Where did your eomma  go?" "Me and my brothers were playing tag and I think I heard my eomma say, 'let's go', but I didn't want to go. I think she thought we were with her but only my brother was. So I'm here alone" Lisa felt bad. She wants to help. "Well, do you know where you live" Lisa says sitting down by the boy. "I... I.. think so." "Great!" Jimin and I said at the same time.


"Right there" the boy said. "Okay let's go." Lisa is still holding onto the small boys hand knocking on the door a fee times.

Knock knock knock

There comes footsteps at the door. "Son!" An older women said. She looks maybe 27ish, maybe 28.

"Eomma!!" The boy said hugging onto the women.

"Umm.. hi I'm Lisa and this is Jimin. We found your boy lost sitting on a bench so we wanted to help return him back home."

Lisa reaches out a hand to shake with the women. Jimin follows and shakes the women's hands.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you dear. I'm so happy you found my boy." She starts to cry while the boy runs in the what it seems, playing with his brothers. "It was nothing" Jimin said. "Your welcome" Lisa spoke.


That was a sucky chapter. I was planning on them going to the food court but my fingers started to type. Whoops. Next chapter they will go to the food court and maybe something else.

Madyson 💚

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