Chapter 7

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As Lisa was explaining her past to Jimin, she started to tear up and just about when she was done, Jimin tackled her with the tightest hug he has ever done.

It's had to be done.

Lisa bursts into tears during the hug and went down with Jimin. They ended up falling on the floor with there empty food plates on themselves.

"Lisa..." Jimin voice muffles under the clothing. "I love you Lisa.. you mean the whole world to me... I'm sorry I forgot... I will never forget ever.." he cooes into Lisa's neck.

"Jimin it was only a memory.. it was just a memory.. t..the past really.." she explains but ends up hiccuping.

Her voice is now quiet and you can hear little sniffles from her.

He runs his fingers up and down her back reassuring her that everything is fine. But everything is not fine.

Nothing is fine.

Jimin then gets up after a good five minutes and helps Lisa get up, pulling her into another hug.

Feeling his warmth from the hugs soothes Lisa. Once they part away they look at eachother and say.

"We should really get cleaned up" they say at the same time.

Jimin nods but pulls Lisa's arm. She turns to face Jimin still hiccuping and managed to say, "what?".

After waiting for her responses he says, "promise me you won't harm yourself again?" He says sticking out his small pinky.

Lisa sighs. "I don't know Jimin. I have the urge to do it sometimes, but I remember that your here and you care for me. I wish I could promise you, but I don't break promises." She sniffles at the last part.

He only sighs. Poor Lisa, she's been through so much. He understands why she can't promise him.

Lisa looks down and picks up the dishes that feel down with them earlier.

The air is thick. There's an awkward and silent tense that they both don't like but it still remains quiet. After Lisa picks them up and sets them in the sink, Jimin back hugs Lisa, setting his chin on her should softly.

This makes her flinch from the sudden touch. "Oh Jimin... You are dirty, why don't you take a hot shower?" Jimin wipes her tears away. "No you should" he responds.

"But I'm going to wash the dishes-" Jimin interrupts her and says, " no your going to take a shower and then relax, hun" Jimin says kisses her cheek gently.

Lisa blushes and stops what's she's doing, then turns around. "No you can it's all good" she says arguing. Suddenly there's a knock on the door making both of them jerk there heads to the direction where the sound came from.

Jimin walks away from Lisa and stops at the door, turning the knob to open it.

It's Hoseok.

"Hiya Hoseok" Jimin says. "Hey Jimin," Hoseok says with a warm smile. "May I come in?" "Right! Sorry" Jimin allows Hoseok to come in when Lisa comes around the corner greeting Hoseok as well.

"So.. how are ya" Lisa begins as Hoseok takes his shoes off and bows to the both of them as they bow back.

"I'm pretty good actually. I had nothing to do and I wanted to invite Taehyung over at our house but he was busy taking care of Kookie. Kookie has the flu and so it was reasonable why Taehyung didn't want to come over, plus there's a freaking snow storm outside, if you can't tell" Hoseok babbles on.

"Aw poor Kook, hope he gets well" Jimin says. Lisa stands there awkwardly then speaks, "oh uh.. Do you want something to drink or eat, I can make some tea."

They agree on tea and Lisa walks back to the kitchen and makes them some tea.

While Lisa's in the kitchen, there stands alone, Hoseok and Jimin. Jimin starts off, "how are the rest of Bangtan?" He sits on the couch and Hoseok follows.

"Uh, there good, Namjoon and Jin-hyung are yanno, all lovey dovey, and you know Yoongi. But Yoongi's been a little distant. Do you know why? He doesn't really talk to me that often."

"No I haven't actually talked to Yoongi since maybe a week ago. Our week is almost over and then back to the company, it actually feels good getting some time off." Jimin replies. "Yeah it has."

Right timing Lisa comes in with some green tea. "Here you boys are," she hands then the cups. "be careful, they are still hot."

She sits down between them and drink there tea. Lisa says, "Imma hop in the shower, don't do anything stupid boys, got it?" They nod there heads.

Lisa gets up and walks to the bathroom, trusting them that they will behave.

Im sorry! It's been ages since I've updated!

I love RM's new mixtape! If you haven't heard it, it's called 'mono'.

Also Jennie's first solo song! Listen to it if you haven't! 'SOLO' by Jennie BLACKPINK.

Coment and Vote!

Sorry it took so long, no really reads this anyways.

Byeeeee, Madyson

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