Chapter 3

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Sorry for not updating earlier. Like I said slow updates. I don't know how to start this one so I'll just type away....

As they walk back to the park across from the food court, they notice the bench from earlier.

"That was a sweet boy, don't you think Chim?"
"Yeah of course" Jimin breathes out, getting chills from the chilly weather.
All he's wearing is thin layers. I mean, that's all I'm wearing to so.

During our walk back to the through the path to the food court Jimin and I have small chats and what not.

I mean he's cool, but so am I. We are pretty much siblings. We dress the same, play the same, and he stays at my house like 3-4 days a week.

We keep walking in silence so I ask, " Jimin?", "yeah" he replies. "Can we like hurry, I'm cold and really hungry?" Sure, he says without hesitation. It was like he knew I was going to say that.

"Almost there," Jimin says pointing to the building. Lisa says, "Race ya" as she speeds off to hurry off to the doors, Jimin follows in pursuit and most likely beats you there, but not quit. You see him in the corner of your eye and run faster.

Soon enough you two reach the door, panting and breathing heavily.

Jimin, as a gentlemen, opens the door for you as your respond with a breathless 'thank you' And lead yourself into the warmed building.

You automatically feel the different temperature from the cold to the inside.

As you look around, Jimin pops up to your side and asks you, "What are you looking for?" "Aish, don't you remember this place? Our high school hangout place were we use to come here and chat with eachother. Oh, right! Our table. Look!" She points.

Jimin looks from afar and spots were she points and at that point she walks over there and motions for him to come over.

"Jiminie, can you buy me kimbap? Pwease?" She says in a baby-like voice. "Sure thing," he says calmly now that he caught his normal breathing pace. "anything else?", you simply reply with a 'no'.

Jimin walks off leaving you there sitting at the table. With that time you take some time to get yourself comfy.

You take off your big coat letting you keep on your hoodie.

Reaching out to get your phone, you hear your phone go off making you jump. You turn it on, undoing your passcode/password.

While you wait you decide to text an old friend. Jennie.

(Italics, Lisa
(Bold, Jennie
*start of text*

Lisa: Jennnnniiiieeeee!

Jennie: hEy, WAsSuP mA d00D

Lisa: nothing much, you?

Jennie: same as always. I've been seeing someone and we've been dating for quit awhile.

Lisa: that's sound nice... Hope you two have a good relationship. Guess what though?

Jennie: what?

Lisa: so remember the place we use to meet up in highschool. Our favorite table. Jimin, I, You, and Jackson. It was at the food court.

Jennie:of course I remember! Oh my gosh.. I still have memories of that. Anyways what are you tryna say?

Lisa: well I was sorta hungry so Jimin and I went here and it brung back memories. And I really missed ya!

Jennie: i missed ya too. Sorry, gtg. Hope we talk again soon. Bye


*end of text*

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