Chapter 11

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holy hell, I can't-
smut is showin' up.
I can't right smut and it's also gonna be my first writing it so here we go!

Lisa looked at Jimin, feeling the buzz already kick in slightly.

Jimin took the bottle away from her grasp and took and drink, well actually a couple of gulps and swigs.

Lisa leaned her head on his chest, smiling. "Hey Jimin, how 'bout we play a game, huh?"

As she said that, she took the bottle and took more gulps, soon enough, the bottle was half way gone. Jimin didn't stop her either, he simply just chuckles and watched her.

"Sure," he started to rethink what he said as he saw the drunken Lisa, glossy lips and her hair slight messed up with her beautiful brown orbs looking up to him. "W-what game is it?..."

Lisa smirked. Jimin watched every move Lisa made. How her lips curved, her hair falling into different places and her eyes. Her eyes were glued onto his lips.

Right at that moment, Lisa rocked her hips down onto Jimin's crotch latching her lips onto him.

Damn, he was just about to make the first move. Fuck it.

He had moved his lips with yours, surprised, but at the same time he wasn't because of your drunken stage.

A soft groan came from his lips as you did it again, slowly this time.

"L-lisa.. don't d-do that please.." he said with a shaky voice, grabbing the bottle from your hands and taking the last half of liquor and chugging it down.

(Watch, the two fuckers are gonna fuck. it's literally so difficult to write this.)

Lisa set her head in the crook of his neck while she kept on moving her hips, back and forth, up and down in a swift movement.

Jimin wasn't having the best time. Lisa is hot, she's wasted.. and horny. But, so is Jimin. Lisa kept on grinding on his lap, putting her mouth to his ear as she smirked and softly moaned.

Jimin roughly put his hands on her hips and stopped them, he couldn't handle it anymore.

"Jiminnnnnn, what's wrong?" she asked as she pouted, looking at him and kissing him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"T-that's enough, I c-cant- just don't move please Lisa.." he practically begged, biting his lip as he let out a soft whimper.

"Nooo, you can't tell me what to do!" she giggles quietly and slurred with her words as she moved her hips again.

As she did that she felt something. She knew what it was.

She has just got Jimin aroused.

She snickered and grinded down once more, but then, Jimin picked Lisa up, setting down the empty bottle of liquor and started walking to the bedroom.

He really did want you, he wanted you badly. You got him fucking aroused, and that's your fault so to fix it, he wanted to play his game.

"Waaaaaait, Miniee, stop." she whined. He put you down and looked at you.

"We're playing my game, not yours." he said sternly, looking at you.

Just then, Lisa bite her lip, taking off her shirt and clinging to Jimin. Like, damn, she is so fucking hot. Jimin was thinking about fucking her against the wall but, that's a bit too kinky..

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