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She was really just a normal shop girl. She'd failed her A levels. Her family was in debt. Her father was dead. Really, there was nothing special about her. She was just an ordinary nineteen year old girl.

But Rose Tyler had always wanted to see the stars. But she never really had the opportunity. At least, she never thought she did.

She took the lottery money from one of the guards at the front door and headed back for the lift to go down to the basement. "Wilson!" she called as she stepped out, walking down the hall to his office. "Wilson! I've got the lottery money! Wilson? Are you there?" She knocked on his office door. "I can't hang about 'cos they're closing the shop. Wilson!" She heard no reply, then grumbled. "Oh, come on!"

There was a clatter further down, and she frowned. "Hello?" she called, approaching the storage room. "Wilson! It's Rose! Hello? Wilson?"

She opened the door and flipped the lights on, staring around at the boxes of clothes and dummies. "Wilson?" she called, slowly going down the hall. "Wilson!"

There was a crash behind her, and she turned, startled, to see the door slam shut. She ran back, trying the handle, but it wouldn't open. "You're kidding me," she groaned. There were more noises behind her, and she turned, fed up. "Is that someone mucking about?" she shouted. "Who is it?"

She froze in place when one of the mannequins literally turned and looked right at her before walking up to her. Rose slowly began backing up. "Yeah, you got me," she said nervously. "Very funny!" She watched two more dummies line up, and she began to panic. "Right, I've got the joke!" she cried. "Who's idea was this? Is it Derek's? Is it? Derek, is that you?"

She kept backing up, more dummies approaching, until her back hit the wall. The lead dummy raised its arm, and Rose squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for everything to stop -

When a hand suddenly grabbed her wrist in a vicelike grip.

Rose's eyes flew open, and she looked to her right to see who had grabbed ahold of her. It wasn't a dummy.

Instead, it was a woman of Israeli descent, in a black camisole top and black vest with gold clasps and khaki pants, her black hair tied up in a ponytail. A silver wristwatch glittered on her left wrist, and her brown eyes danced in excitement. She gave a wide grin, then whispered one word to her.



And cue the Doctor Who theme song. ;) Starring Cote de Pablo, Billie Piper, and John Barrowman! For some reason, I was really excited when I saw his name was actually included in the last three episodes of Series 3 in the opening sequence. I don't know why. I just was.

So, here comes the new series! Hope I don't disappoint!

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