World War Three

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The Apocalypse picked up her ID card. "Deadly to humans, maybe," she told the Slitheen sweetly before marching up and shoving her ID into its collar. The shocks went through the Slitheen next, and she ran out of the room. "Oi!" she called to the guards. "If you want aliens, you've got them. They're inside Downing Street! Come on!"

She clapped, and the police ran after her.


Rose quickly led Harriet out of the Cabinet Room when the Slitheen was shocked, and Harriet stopped her. "No, wait! They're still in there! The emergency protocols, we need them!"

Rose turned, but the Slitheen charged out, and they quickly turned tail and ran.


The Apocalypse ran back into the briefing room to see the Slitheen back in its suit. "Where have you been?" Green demanded. "I called for help! I sounded the alarm! There was this lightning, this kind of . . . er, electricity, and they all collapsed!"

The Apocalypse pinched the bridge of her nose as the police checked all of the bodies. "I think they're all dead," the sergeant reported.

"That's what I'm saying!" Green shouted. "She did it! That woman, there!"

"It's not going to work if I say the Prime Minister is an alien in disguise, is it?" the Apocalypse sighed.

"No," the policeman replied.

"Fair enough," she replied before popping open a portal and jumping through it.

She appeared in front of a Slitheen on the next floor, and she grinned. "Hello!" She waved cheerfully at it when she saw Rose and that official woman run away behind her.


"Hide!" Rose cried when they made it into a sitting room, and she and Harriet quickly hid, Rose ducking behind the cabinet.

"Oh, such fun!" the Slitheen woman drawled when she found the room. "Little human children! Where are you? Sweet little humeykins! Come to me! Let me kiss you better. Kiss you with my big, green lips!"

Rose quickly ran to the curtains when the Slitheen's back was turned. "My brothers," the Slitheen said a little later.

"Happy hunting?" another Slitheen asked.

"It's wonderful! The more you prolong it, the more they stink."

"Sweat and fear," a third said.

"I can smell an old girl. Stale bird and brittle bones."

"And a ripe youngster, all hormones and adrenaline. Fresh enough to bend before she snaps!"

Rose screamed when the curtain was pulled away. "No!" Harriet shouted, showing herself. "Take me first! Take me!"

The door was wrenched open again, and the Apocalypse quickly burst in, and after quickly assessing the situation, she pointed at one Slitheen and telekinetically threw it into a wall, blasting the others away with ice. "Out, with me!" she ordered.

Rose ran over to her side. "Who the hell are you?" the Apocalypse asked Harriet.

"Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North," Harriet replied.

"Nice to meet you."


"We need to head to the Cabinet Room," the Apocalypse told them as they ran out of the room.

"The Emergency Protocols are in there!" Harriet informed her. "They give instructions for aliens."

The Apocalypse smiled at her. "Harriet Jones, I like you."

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