The End of the World

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"So, for your first trip, Rose Tyler, I'll let you decide," the Apocalypse told her, moving around the console. "Where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time? What's it going to be?"

"Forwards," Rose decided.

"How far?"

Rose shrugged. "One hundred years?"

The Apocalypse flipped a few switches, and the TARDIS stopped. "There you go," the Apocalypse told her. "Step outside those doors, it's the 22nd century."

Rose stared at her. "You're kidding!"

"Although, that's a bit boring," the Apocalypse told her with a grin. "Do you want to go further?"

"Fine by me!"

The Apocalypse did some more things on the console, and the next time the TARDIS slowed, she smirked. "Ten thousand years in the future. Outside, that'll be the year 12005. The new Roman Empire."

Rose decided to see what she could do. "You think you're so impressive," she teased.

"You think I'm not impressive?" the Apocalypse asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You wish," Rose countered.

The Apocalypse grinned. "Well, then, challenge accepted, missy," she told her. "You asked for it. I know exactly where to go." She pointed to the console. "Hold on!"

Rose held onto the TARDIS as the Apocalypse moved around, flying the TARDIS. When they stopped, the Apocalypse stepped back and folded her arms. Rose smiled. "Where are we?" she asked. "What's out there?"

The Apocalypse smiled softly. "Take a look."

Rose stepped out the doors, and her eyes widened as she took in the gallery they currently stood in. "Over here," the Apocalypse told her, leading her towards a few shutters, using her sonic screwdriver to lower the shutters, revealing the Earth. "Humans are always thinking about dying, like you're going to get killed by . . . I don't know, eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids, or all that. But you never take the time to imagine the impossible. Maybe you survive. Welcome to the year five point five slash apple slash twenty six, five billion years in your future, and this is the day . . . hold on." She checked her watch, and the sun flared behind the Earth, and Rose stared incredulously. "This is the day the sun expands." The Apocalypse folded her arms. "Rose Tyler, welcome to the end of the world."


"Shuttles five and six now docking. Guests are reminded that Platform One forbids the use of weapons, teleportation, and religion. Earth Death is scheduled for 15:39 followed by drinks in the Manchester Suite."

"So, when it says guests, does that mean people?" Rose asked.

"Aliens," the Apocalypse replied. "Are you ready?"

"I don't know," Rose admitted.

"I will warn you, though, Rose, you're going to hear English." The Apocalypse stepped through a door. "The TARDIS will be translating the languages in your head so you hear English. What comes out of your mouth talking to them will be their own."

Rose blinked. "Your ship gets inside my head?"

"She does it so I don't have to translate for you," the Apocalypse replied. "I wanted to tell you ahead of time."

"Thanks for that," Rose told her before shaking herself. "But aliens? What are they doing onboard this spaceship? What's it all for?"

"It's more like an observation deck," the Apocalypse replied as they entered an observation gallery, the Earth rotating below them. "The great and the good are gathering to watch the planet burn."

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