Of Chips And Experiments

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"Took you long enough," the Apocalypse joked to Rose as they finally sat down on a bench by a fountain nearby.

"Long line," Rose explained, handing her a package of chips. "But it was worth it. These are some of the best around!"

"I believe you," the Apocalypse laughed, poking at one and chewing on it. "Good old England. Always having some of the best chips around."

Rose watched the woman for a second before hesitantly asking," Can you tell me what you did in the engine room? With that . . . portal thing?"

The Apocalypse hesitated from putting another chip in her mouth before sighing and nodding. "I suppose," she said reluctantly. She put her basket down and chewed on the inside of her cheek before hesitantly beginning. "When I was born, on Gallifrey, I had an older brother."

"What was his name?" Rose encouraged.

The Apocalypse grinned. "The Master." She chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, a psychiatrist's field day. When I was six, he introduced me to his best friend, the Doctor. The one who dominates and the one who heals. There was never an odder pair. Trio, after I joined them after I was eight," she added. "When we're eight, we look into raw Time itself, Rose. Some would go mad. Some would embrace it. Some would run."

"What were you?" Rose asked.

"I never went mad," the Apocalypse replied with a shrug. "I know the Doctor ran. But I embraced it." Her face darkened. "And that's why, a few weeks after I looked into the Vortex, a few of the Time Lords came to my parents asking if they could bring me in for some 'better schooling.'"

"Better schooling?"

"Experimenting," the Apocalypse corrected a little harshly, and Rose's eyes widened. "I held my gaze in the Vortex for long enough that they could tell there was something about me Time 'liked,' apparently." She made the quotation marks before frowning. "I'm using these right, correct?"


"Good. But yeah, they tried to experiment on me, see just how much of the Vortex I could hold. And while they did that, I started being able to do these . . . things that only other Experiments could do. Pop open portals that could lead from one place to another, like what I did on the Platform. Pyrogenic. Cryogenic. Telekinesis." She shrugged. "You name it, I could probably do it."

"But that's horrible!" Rose gasped.

"I know," the Apocalypse agreed. "My brother and the Doctor agreed, too. They were two of the only kids that would talk to me. The others would tease me, saying that if I wasn't too careful, I'd destroy the planet. So, when the Naming Ceremony came, that's what I called myself. The Apocalypse. Destroyer of Planets." The Apocalypse crossed her legs and folded her arms, staring at the fountain in front of them. "And I could. If I wanted to, I might be able to cause the apocalypse right now with just - " She snapped her fingers. "That. I couldn't stand all of the teasing, even when the Doctor and the Master kept trying to keep me calm. That's why, many years ago, I ran away. I stole the TARDIS, and I just . . . left. I took my granddaughter with me, Susan. And I started traveling."

"What happened to Susan?" Rose asked, curious. She hadn't seen anyone else onboard.

"She fell in love with a human a while back," the Apocalypse explained. "She was happy with him, so I left her there." She shook her head. "And then we were all called back for the Time War. All of the Experiments were placed on the front lines. I was the last one alive in the end because of how much effort had been placed into me, but I couldn't fight anymore after a while. I tried looking for the Master, for the Doctor whenever I could, but I never did. And I was so tired of fighting." She tensed. "So I took this . . . this weapon called the Moment . . . " She took a deep breath. "I Time Locked the Time War, destroyed my own planet, and it took out every fighter in the war."

She looked at Rose, who was staring at her with tears in her eyes. "Funny, isn't it? How some people just know?" the Apocalypse asked with a dry laugh. "I was always teased about how I would destroy a planet. And what do you know? I brought my own planet's Apocalypse. I live up to my name."

"Was there any other way to end it?" Rose asked.

The Apocalypse shot her a look. "What?"

"Was there any other way to end the War?"

The Apocalypse hesitantly shook her head. "No. No, there wasn't."

Rose nodded firmly, scooting over a little bit closer. "Then you did what you had to do," she said simply. "How many people are alive because of what you did?"


"And I'm sure everyone is thankful you saved their lives," Rose told her before smiling. "I know I am. Otherwise, I wouldn't have met you."

The Apocalypse laughed. "Rose Tyler, how do I live with you?"

Rose just gave her a tongue in teeth grin before laughing with her.

The Apocalypse took their empty chip baskets and grinned at her. "Come on. Race you to the TARDIS! Next stop, anywhere!"

Rose cheered, and they tossed their baskets in the trash can and took off running for the TARDIS.

They definitely ignored the stares from people as both of them stepped into a police box that shouldn't have fit them both.


So there's the back story on our dear Apocalypse. Her brother is the Master, and one of her best friends was the Doctor. But . . . aww! :( She was experimented on. That's what I'm calling her, the Last Experiment.

So I'll upload "The Unquiet Dead," but then I'll be focusing on finishing up "Struggling To Adjust," and then I'll be back!

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