The Unquiet Dead

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"Hold that one down!" the Apocalypse shouted over to Rose, pointing at a lever.

Rose looked over. "I'm holding this one down!"

The Apocalypse rolled her eyes before reaching out another hand. The lever moved on its own and fastened in place, and Rose grinned at the Apocalypse. "It's not going to work!"

"Oi!" the Apocalypse whined. "I promised you a time machine, and that's what you're getting! Now, you've seen the future. Let's have a look at the past. 1860. How does 1860 sound?"

"What happened in 1860?" Rose wondered.

"No idea," the Apocalypse replied brightly, with a grin. "Let's find out! Hold on!"

Rose did as the Apocalypse flew the TARDIS, doing the work of many. With one final bang, they landed, throwing both women to the floor. They took one look at each other before they burst out laughing. "Blimey!" Rose giggled.

"Are you all right?" the Apocalypse asked, rolling over.

"Yeah," Rose replied, standing up. "I think so. Nothing broken." She brushed herself off before grinning in excitement. "Did we make it? Where are we?"

The Apocalypse checked her screen and brightened. "I did it!" she cheered. "Give the woman a medal! Earth, Naples, December 24th, 1860!"

Rose gaped, leaning on the console. "That's so weird! It's Christmas!"

"All yours," the Apocalypse told her with a smile.

"But, it's like . . . think about it, though! Christmas, 1860!" Rose exclaimed. "Happens once, just once, and it's gone, it's finished. It'll never happen again. Except for you. You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago. No wonder you never stay still!"

"Not a bad life," the Apocalypse said with a shrug.

"Better with two," Rose pointed out with her signature smile before running for the door. "Come on, then!"

"Hey!" the Apocalypse shouted. "Where do you think you're going?"

Rose gave her a look. "1860."

"Not dressed like that, you're not," the Apocalypse commented. "You'll start a riot! There's a wardrobe down that hallway." She pointed before taking a deep breath and rattling directions off. "First left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead, under the stairs past the bins, fifth door on your left." Rose stared at her for a second before she grinned. "Or I can portal pop you there."

"Please," Rose asked.

The Apocalypse grinned and flung open a portal, and Rose stepped through. She emerged in a several story wardrobe, and she looked around in shock. "Oh," she began. "My. God."


The Apocalypse changed out of her usual vest and camisole and slipped into a high black turtleneck and shrugged on a bright blue trench coat with silver buttons before returning to the console room to check something under console. She heard footsteps a little bit later, and she took a quick glance over her shoulder before banging her head on the console. "Ow!" she exclaimed.

Rose burst out laughing as she pointed at her, dressed elegantly for the century. The Apocalypse rubbed her head and grinned at her. "Now that's better," she praised, standing up. "You look beautiful!"

"Thank you," Rose replied with a smile, looking her over. "You changed."

"Wasn't going to go out there and start a riot either," the Apocalypse told her with a grin before heading for the door. "Come on!"

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