Aliens of London

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Rose stepped out of the TARDIS when the Apocalypse landed and beamed when she saw they were back by the Powell Estate. "How long have I been gone?"

"About twelve hours," she replied.

"Oh," Rose said, laughing. "Right, I won't be long. I just want to see my mum."

"What're you going to tell her?" the Apocalypse asked curiously.

"I don't know," Rose replied, grinning. "I've been to the year 5 billion and only been gone, what, twelve hours?" The Apocalypse snorted her opinion of that, and Rose giggled. "No, I'll just tell her I spent the night at Shareen's. See you later!" She turned to go before turning back, pointing a finger at her. "Oh. And don't you disappear!"

The Apocalypse mock saluted, and Rose grinned and ran for the flat. "I'm back!" she shouted as she entered the flat. "I was with Shareen. She was all upset again. Are you in?" She entered the living room to see Jackie standing there, staring at her, eyes wide. "So, what's been going on? How've you been?" It was then that she noticed her expression. "What?" she asked in confusion. "What's that face for? It's not the first time I've stayed out all night!"

Jackie dropped her mug, and it crashed on the floor, but she barely noticed. "It's you," she whispered.

"Of course it's me," Rose replied in confusion.

"Oh, my God, it's you," Jackie breathed, hugging her tightly. "Oh, my God!"

Confused, Rose hugged her back, only to see the missing person signs on the table behind Jackie, all with her on it. There was a bang outside, and the Apocalypse ran in, her hair loose for once instead of up in a ponytail, and it was in wild curls when it was free. "I'm so sorry," she gasped out. "It's not twelve hours. It's twelve months. You've been gone a whole year." She shook her head. "Rose, I'm sorry!"


"The hours I've sat here, days and weeks and months, all on my own!" Jackie ranted later as Rose sat curled up in an armchair, the Apocalypse leaning on the chair behind her, examining her nails as a policeman sat across from them, Jackie still ranting. "I thought you were dead, and where were you?" She made air quotes. "Traveling. What the hell does that mean, traveling? That's no sort of answer!" She nodded at the policeman. "You ask her! She won't tell me. That's all she says, traveling!"

"That's what I was doing!" Rose insisted.

"When your passport's still in the drawer?" Jackie countered. "It's just one lie after another!"

"I meant to phone! I really did! I just . . . " Rose faltered, wincing. "Forgot."

"What? For a year?" Jackie shrieked. "You forgot for a year? And I am left sitting here! I just don't believe you! Why won't you tell me where you've been?"

"Actually," the Apocalypse said with a wince, raising her hand. "It's my fault. I sort of, ah . . . employed Rose as my companion."

"When you say companion," the policeman asked, "is this a sexual relationship?"

Both women straightened. "No!" Rose sputtered.

"Never!" the Apocalypse shouted. "Never since - " She cut herself off.

"Never since what, ma'am?" the policeman asked, and Rose looked up at the Apocalypse, seeing her face drained of color.

"Then what is it?" Jackie snapped at the Apocalypse, either not noticing or not caring. "Because you, you waltz in here all charm and smiles, and the next thing I know, she vanishes off the face of the Earth! How old are you, then? Thirty? Thirty five? What, did you find her on the Internet? Did you go online and pretend you were someone else?"

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