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June 20, 2018

Same as usual. Another boring day has come. Hooray? Was that supposed to be an exclamation mark? Well I don't know. You walk inside the class as you feel another one of the lame mornings.

This day was the continuation of the student's introductions in the front at the two subjects. I think it was English and Mathematics.

Again, teachers introduced themselves as we, students, came up next. No matter how much I keep my ear out. I really can't understand much of his name, the newbie. I think I only understand the John. I think it's his first name.

Like yesterday, he was just quiet and steady. I don't know much about him but I don't know why I keep my attention to him.

Oh! Today, our adviser, Ms. Glenn, told us that she'll arrange our seats according to our last names. That's kind of boring. The newbie got his seat at the second row at the front. He didn't whine a bit nor demanded, he just sit down then settled his things while I, sits at the back because mine starts with letter P. While the newbie. I think it starts with the letter D, is it? I don't know.

Jencel was absent that time but her seat is the front row while Bianca is on the second row at the front too. Me and Eane are at the back. I guess we're not that far away from each other. I mean, we still can be together at some time. I mean, we can't really talk to each other like up close because of the distance but we can be together during breaks and eat together.

Now that I sit at the back. I really always glance at him, the newbie. Well, I always glance at people while they're talking but even if they're talking with other people, I still glance at them. But the newbie, I can't help it but to glance at him even if he's not talking to anyone. He's just all by himself. I want to talk to him once again but nah, he'll just ignore me again like on the first day. Now that I think about it, maybe he just don't like people approaching him, asking for his name.

Up until now, I was always thinking about his name. Because why not be curious right? He's the new one and almost everyone here in my class, I already knew their names, initials, and some things about them. I know sometimes I forgot the pronunciation and the proper spellings of their names but you can't blame me right? Our names are just too unique and too long that you write it.

It was already lunch time when we got together to eat again.
"What's your meal?" Eane's favorite line to ask. While Bianca always ate some pieces in your lunch without asking.

Let's time-lapse. This happened during our TLE time. The teacher already gave out reportings this earlier and it shocked all of us but do you know who was the lucky one that got chose? It's him. Yes, the newbie. He did show some reaction about that. It looks like he didn't want to do though. Of course, I think almost all students are like that right?

Will you continue observing this guy?

You don't even know his name yet.

Why are you even giving him attention?

To disguised yourself?

To make yourself like the new guy?

Are you going to come near him?

Are you going to befriend him?


Little bit pointed nose

Not that moist lips

Slanted eyes

Not so perfect face

Slim body


He's a gamer.

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