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May 14, 2019

We've been getting along well but I totally know to myself that I don't like the idea getting together with this 'baste' person. So here I am, always being rude to him and he always doesn't hate the way I treated him.

It's like a month now and it's summer,  we hardly see each other but he came to my house.  It's the second time by the way because this is the time that I want to end his courting to me. I'm not getting together with him okay? 

"I'm here to return your things." Baste said. I claimed my things but which I didn't notice is what I gave him a letter thingy.

"Uhuh.." I just nodded.

"I just can't seem to forget you,  I can't even sleep well.  I always kept thinking about you.. " Hearing this doesn't make him pitiful in my eyes, I'm sorry if I've got a stone heart and a cold personality now but I've it to him straight what I really wanted to say.

"You know, I just wanted to clear it out and directly said it to you that there's no hope between us okay?  I just don't like the idea of ending up together with some dude like you, a friend of a friend, what's worse is he's the one I like but that's in the past now." Now, I really know that once women got hurt, they can be brutal sometimes and that points me.

"I was just thinking deleting your photos and us in my phone right in front of you." He said like he was going to tear up.  Oh right,  boo-hoo. You're too dramatic.

"I'm sorry but I don't need evidence for you to do that right in front of me,  why do I even care anyways?" I've told him. He was just silent.

"Is that all? I need to go inside, I don't my father go crazy." He just nodded and as I was closing the door. I called Aaron out and greeted him a 'Happy Birthday' because it's his birthday today,  14th of May.

I came back inside our house and my father went out asking on me as expected.

"Who's outside?" He asked.

"Just some friends with Erika." I answered, I forgot to mention earlier. Aaron was with Erika. If you what I mean.

"Ohh. Then who were you talking outside?" He asked again. I took a deep breath and told him the truth.

"He's the guy who's courting me." My dad went all furious and stuff so I continued talking.

"I ended it dad,  I don't like him, and I don't want to give him high hopes." I clearly said it out to him. He cleared out his face.

"That's nice.  He's not that good anyways and I don't like him too. Pick another guy that'll suit you okay?" My dad said and I just nodded at him.

I went to my room and resume to my friend's call,  I call 'lite'. I said to her what happened as I started tearing up. And I don't know but slowly I realised that I was hurt seeing Aaron with an another girl and the worse is that he's with Erika.

I didn't have any hatred feeling to her though.  I just didn't expect I'll get to see them together, smiling together.

That's just how my story get going. That's what happened in my 10th grade. It was happy yet have some saddening moments but that's just life right? I'm just excited for my 11th grade now. I'll be focusing on what's here and now around me.

Thank you for a certain someone who stopped me from crying. ^ω^

My Grade 10 (S.Y. 2018-2019)Where stories live. Discover now