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March 14, 2019

I think it's been weeks now since Aaron introduced me to this "baste" person. Aaron introduced me to him because I told him that if he knows any guy that good enough introduce them to me but I wasn't really serious at that time and I didn't thought that he'll take me seriously. When I got to meet this guy, I was hurt. It's not Baste's fault but it was clearly my fault. I remember Aaron messaged me last last week ago about this, that I was finding a partner.

"You're searching for a partner right?"
"I told you that I was going to introduce you to one of my friends."
He messaged me just to say this. Actually, I got to laugh first but I didn't know that it would be this hurtful for him to say that to me.
"Krisha? It's KJ. It's awkward to me for you to call me that." I replied.
"Sorry." He apologized.
"By the way,  continue what you're saying." I said.
"He's ready. He haven't gone in a relationship for straight two years." He exclaimed. This really pulls a trigger for me honestly.
"He's not that bitter but he despise all the couples that he'll saw in public."
"He was traumatized by his ex girlfriend."
"Why?" I asked.
"He figured for her but he still lost." He replied.
"Who's that ex even?  I'll take revenge." I was kidding at that time as I used emojis.
"Do a slap for him to her,  he said." He messaged.
"I don't slap people."
"By the way,  how old is he?" I just said then asked.
"He's eighteen years old but he's so broke with his life right now and being jealous with the ones who has a lover." He answered.

He told me a lot of stuff about this friend of his. I actually not like how Aaron described him but sooner, I saw a message request and a friend request on my account. I checked the profile for a while then I just ignored it. I noticed that he was the one person that has messaged me.

"Hello. :)"
"I'm Aaron's friend."
It started with these two messages.

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