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September 7, 2018

I think I fell in love with him. Aaron.
I realised it when he confessed something to me that day. Why he was absent last Wednesday. A girl asked him to accompany her to buy some things, that girl lives in Bulacan, by the way. He accompanied her like what any boy would do since it's a girl. They can't let a girl wander off alone, right? But there are boys who's like that literally.

He said that he has a problem going on with him. That girl confessed to her and asked him to be his boyfriend. At first, I was shook but I didn't really made that kind of face. I was just so speechless. I didn't thought of any situation like these before.
"Is it okay with you?" He asked. That question torn me into pieces. I felt like he was hesitating to answer her even if he loves me.
"Why would you ask me? It's up for you to decide and I'll respect whatever your decision is." I answered him bravely but laid down my head for a bit.
"Hey. Are you okay?" I just nodded. Soon after, I realised that a tear escaped from my eyes. What's this?

I felt his presence that he stood up as I relaxed a bit since he's not there anymore but he came back suddenly so I laid my head again. He was playing with my fingers.
"Are you crying?" I shake my head as I said I wasn't. He keeps on peeking at me, taking glances whether I am crying or not.
"I'm okay. " I said.

Only minutes left before going home from school.
"Aren't you going home yet?" He asked as he carries my books.
"It's okay you don't have to carry them." I smiled at him weakly. I hope he didn't noticed that I was hurt by his question earlier.
"Are you going home?" I asked while fixing my things in my bag.
"Yeah. Let's go downstairs together." He said as I just nodded.
"Maybe it's better if you answer the girl first?" That shook him, even me. I was so shook that I was just thinking that in my mind that I ended up saying it in real. There was only silence though.
"Maybe we should go home." He just nodded at me then before we went home. I told him to come home early at home and to go active later on messenger.

I didn't know that it would hurt this bad.

I think this one hurts me more than the old one.


Why did you ask me that question if it's okay with me?

"Of course it's not okay!"

"Because you're mine!"

"Nobody can have you but me."

My Grade 10 (S.Y. 2018-2019)Where stories live. Discover now