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February 2, 2019

1 month to go...

February just started and we are this close from graduating. I feel really excited about starting as a senior highschool student this June but it's kinda lonely, knowing that your classmates for four years during junior high won't be the same anymore. Even though in those four years is full of circumstances and chaos inside the room, we survived and spent time together as a whole.

We just knew it this week that Bianca is confined in Novaliches General Hospital. She didn't say too much about her condition to us in our group chat but we all settled yesterday that we are going to visit her today.

I was on my way that Eane texted me.
"I'm here already. Where are you? " We're near at each other's houses so I told her to just come out of her house because my dad's going to accompany us.
I saw her already with her mother. I waved at her then made mano with her. Eane was already inside the car when we gone off. Exactly, we saw Khaye in our way there to the meeting place.
"Hey! Let's all go together!" Eane shouted then he came inside the car.

Later on, we've arrived at seven eleven, our meeting place. We saw that Jencel, sitting and the only one there yet.

"Pa, I forgot to bought a face mask. " I said.
"Go find one here, then bring it here." He said as he was on the counter paying his load card.
"Here. " I said as I gave it to the counter.
"How much is it?" Papa asked.
"It's only 10 pesos. " I answered.
He gave his bill to the cashier as I get my face mask.
"You'll be going now? " I asked, papa just nodded.
"Eane! Jencel! Papa's going!" I said as they came and made mano before he goes.

I sat down as Jencel sat across me while Eane sat beside me and for Khaye, he was sitting at the other table. We waited for Dana, Prince, and Arjay. The first one who came is Prince then Dana then the last one, Arjay. After he came, we gone all to ride a jeepney.

While on our way at the hospital, Jencel was feeling as if she would vomit. While me, I feel a little bit dizzy, I don't know whether it's the noise from the jeepney or from Eane who's talking nonsense with her older cousin, Khaye. She was too hyper.

After another jeepney rode, it was not that long when we've arrived at the hospital. First of all, the guard stopped us.
"Where are you all going?" The guard asked.
"To room 403" Jencel and I said.
"Are you also with them? " He asked to the boys, they just nodded.
"So we have a protocol here that only three persons can visit at a time. There's too many of you and if you'd want to, you can just alternate." He explained carefully. Jencel got pissed off a bit while me too.
"Why don't we go first? " I asked to Jencel then asked Dana if it's okay she'll be left here with the boys for a while. She just nodded.

We asked the lady on the information desk which floor room 403 is, she answered that it was 4th floor. We took an elevator then found Bianca's room successfully. We saw her on the bed, shivering. We took care of her a bit while we were here then cheered her up at least.

"Where's the others? " Bianca asked.
"At the lobby. " Jencel replied.
"Why? " Bianca asked again.
"The guard scolded us for being too many. " Eane answered.
Bianca keep bugging her dad to take a wheelchair then go downstairs but her dad said no.
"You can't." We all said.
"Then just make them all come here. " Bianca said.
"Go text them to go up here already. " I said to Eane, she did what I said then did some persuasive movements on them.

Moments passed, they were already here. Bianca smiled a bit when she saw all of us together. Next, Bianca's tita came. She asked about stuff like did ate already and how did we get there.

Right now, we are waiting for Bianca's meal because it's lunch time. Her meal came and we assisted on her eating.
"Watermelon. " Bianca said.
"You want to eat that? " I asked. She just nodded. Eane and I quickly moved the table near Bianca's bed.
"Here." I sliced the watermelon in bite sized so that's easier.
"Aren't you going to eat rice? " Eane asked, Bianca shook. We tried our best to eat something else in her meal.
"Vegetable" She mumbled.
"There's only one but that's okay, at least you ate. " I said. She ate it and drunk more water. We moved the table back again to its original place. I did some little cleaning on their place while Eane, Jencel, and Dana were busy taking care of Bianca.

While we were waiting, a male nurse came with two injections on his hand.
"Good afternoon sir, I'm just here for her medicine. " Tito just nodded while the nurse settled his things and started to put the medicine through Bianca's syringe. Bianca starting making noises.

Noises that she was hurting.

Noises that she was feeling the pain while giving her the medicine.

She held her dad's hand tightly while she was taking the first one, for the second one goes on smoothly and slowly.
"Are you okay? " Tito asked. Bianca just nodded.
"Where does it hurt? " Tito asked again, Bianca just shook.

She was able to handle it because she's a strong girl.

We took a photo with her before we leave because tita is also on her way out, we joined her. We gave our goodbyes to Bianca. Dana, Eane, Jencel, and I gave our goodbyes with hugs and kisses.

"Bye bye... "

"Get well soon okay? "

"Like real soon. "

Mostly is like this. Her condition, she has dengue.
Honestly, while she was making noises when she was taking meds. I felt like tearing up because somehow, I can feel her.

We parted our ways with tita in front of the hospital while we all go home together. We've arrived at bayan and there, we ate our lunch in Jollibee. We also parted ways with Prince, Dana, and Jencel there. While Eane, Arjay, Khaye, and I are all together but I got down at Vicas because I'm going to Urduja. My dad is coming there.

"Bye. " I waved at Eane while I got up.
"Where are you going? " Khaye asked.
"Vicas." I said.
"Idiot. " He said.
"Just kidding, at Urduja. Bye. " I said as I made my way on seven eleven to wait for my papa.

It was a long tiring day for me. I was so worried for Bianca when we got there. We all are.

I fell asleep in the car while waiting for my sister to come then gone home.


Please get well soon...

As soon as possible, do your very best to be strong enough.

I know you can because you are a very strong girl.

We are here for you. Continue fighting! We love you Bianca. 💞💞💞

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