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September 22, 2018

Yes I know it's Saturday but we have school today, not a whole day though, just half due to our examinations. Monthly examinations. Today's the last day. I came to school late today, as in late, super. I think I was thirty minutes late because all grade levels are starting to answer their exams sheets.

I knocked at the door of our classroom as all my classmates turned their heads on me then starts making noises, quite funny situation.

"I'm sorry I'm late ma'am." That was what I've been telling her until I walked towards her in front, Ms. Glenn just looked at me as she gave me my paper. It was English. That's kind of relief for me.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I thought we don't have class today because it's Saturday." I explained. I saw Ms. Glenn chuckled a bit, so as my classmates too. She just nodded. I put my things down in the front, where I saw his bag too, unintentionally. I went to my seat then sat as I start answering my paper. Oh! I forgot, I was wearing earphones, my music in my phone was still on playing. I guess it's fine though. Ms. Glenn didn't even scolded me over that. Also, it helps me to relax more, that's why I was able to answer my paper silently, steady, and fast. Few minutes passed and I passed my exam paper to Ms. Glenn. I returned to my seat then start reviewing myself for the next subject which is Values.

Nowadays, I noticed that Aaron and Shannon has been coming to school together lately. I just kept on glancing at him even though he's too far away, even though he doesn't notice me anymore. Since that day happened until now, I keep on pretending to be okay, to be cheerful enough, to be active and loud person I am. I don't want him for his feelings to come back. I don't know why but I just don't want him to. I'll try my best to be hated by him. He hates someone that who always curse, who smokes, and who always rolled up their sleeves on their shirts. I'm doing all of those except for I don't smoke.

I saw Ate Kristel was already giving me the exam papers, I got it from her then passed it to people at my back. I answered it slowly but I thought I finished it too quickly. I passed my exam paper soon after then relax for a bit as I watch Eane, Jencel, and Danafel answering theirs. I took again a quick glance at him. He was still answering, I guess he didn't review again. As if he'll do it anyways.

I think thirty minutes has passed when they got the exam papers finished then passed it. I walked to their place then we all walked downstairs together. We all ate and reviewed ourselves there. As I thought, we'll never talk to each other again, ever. We walked upstairs together, Bianca, Louise, me, Eane, Jencel, Arjay, Andrei, Prince, and him. We returned from our seats.

We took the two subjects left which are M.A.P.E.H and Filipino then it's time for us to go home. Today, I'll be walking because my family went out today without me since I have exams. The plan today was going at his house, Aaron, but some of us can't come with us today so that leaves us with me, Eane, Andrei, and Mathew.

We started walking since it's near school and can be walk for it. While we were walking, we start joking each other but don't worry, none of us got pissed off because of that. We're not that serious for jokes.

The time we came to his house, his pet dogs starts barking at us, just like before. He let us come in to his house, of course.

"I thought you guys weren't coming..." He said as he was opening the door for us then lets us in.
"My mom isn't here today. Just me, kuya, and Lola." He explained himself as he was cooking something. This is my first time seeing him like that in his house. He was cooking something. "We told you that we were coming!" Eane said to him. "No you didn't. Only Andrei did." He said back to Eane. "That still considers!" Eane said it back to him, partly arguing about. We were all laughing about it. It's been awhile since I saw that laugh, that smile on his face.

He started asking us what we want to eat but almost all of us were still laughing.
"We still haven't gone for grocery so we don't have food here." We all just nodded then he left, we were left there with the dogs. We all agreed to just distribute a small portion of money they got so that we'll just buy our own food but the time he was back. He already bought some Pancit Canton. So we decided to just buy some drinks. Eane gave me the money then told us to buy something, I was with Andrei when we got out. We agreed to buy two Coca-Cola drinks. We returned and I saw Eane was cooking the noodles then after, I was the one who mixed the sauce and seasonings. We gave them their portion of food as me and Eane starts eating our portion on the table. The boys were eating at the living room, they watching television.

After we ate, I decided to wash the plates and Eane decided to clean the table. I was already washing off the soap from the dishes then puts them on the side. He came beside me. Wow, it's been so long since I felt his presence next to me.
"Why do you put them here?" He was asking for the dishes.
"Because it's where I think I can put them." I answered silently but I didn't even turned my look at him.
He arranges the dishes that I've cleaned up. He noticed me today. I can't believe it. Maybe it's because we're at his house. That's what I thought for the whole time. The reason he was talking to me was because we were on his house.

At exact time after we cleaned up, his mom, and his two siblings came home together.
"Hi po tita." We all greeted at the same time. She asked us if we had eaten, we all replied her with a yes because she's starting to prepare again for us.

Minutes has passed after we got a talk with tita and we all decided to go home but we didn't know that we'll part ways as soon as we got out of his house.
"You aren't going this way?" Aaron asked.
"No we aren't. We'll be walking at Princetown." Eane replied as he nod. The boys started to turn their backs then slowly walks away so as we.
"Bye." I said. I was expecting for Andre or Mathew to reply back but it was him who replied me back.
"Bye.." Aaron spoke.

I wish I can say "bye" to my feelings that easily for you...

But lucky me, I still can't...

My Grade 10 (S.Y. 2018-2019)Where stories live. Discover now