Chapter 16. Freakshow Alley, Shapeshifter From Hell!

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~Before the guest arrived...~

Leo stood outside of his dads office. He waited patiently for his dad to come out of the office. Leo's dad grabbed his jacket, sunglasses, and the keys to the carnival. Leo's dad walked out of the office and locked the door with a key separated from the rest. 

"So?" Leo's dad asked, "where are you going to take me?"

"You'll see," Leo answered. "Just don't worry about it. Please, follow me.'

Leo then took his dad by his hand and led him to the marvelous village in the alleyway. 

The two arrived at the massive gates guarding the village created by materials they have thrown out. Leo pushed against the gates and it opened slightly with a loud creak. Leo walked in. He felt the cold breeze hit his face as he walked in the city of junk. His dad followed.

"What the fuck!' Leo's dad managed to say as his jaw dropped from awe. 

"It gets even weirder," Leo spoke. "follow me."

Leo led his dad to a old abandoned looking house. The windows were busted out, and the floor boards were torn from floor. The door was slightly opened. Leo walked on the dangerous porch. He began to open to open the door. Inside reveled a old looking antique mirror. Is was not broken nor was it shattered. Leo walked in the old house, his dad followed his son.

The two stood in front of the mirror looking into it. They then made eye contact while looking in the mirror. They just stared at each other like they felt bad for each other. 

"Dad?" Leo began.

"Yes?" Leo's dad replied.

"I'm sorry."

Leo ran out of the house leaving his dad inside the house. Leo's dad tried to open the door but, it was locked from the outside. 

"Leo! what's going o-" Leo's dad started to scream like he was just torn opened and harvested for his organs.

Leo stood outside. A tear fell from his eye onto his nose.

~previously, with the guest.....~

"You've saw worse?" Anna asked Halie while they waited for Tiger to give the their next challenge.

"Yeah," Halie spoke, "I've found websites that has mangled body's and severed limbs shown on them."

"Ew!" Anna yelled in disgust.

"I'm fine with gore. I can't stand to see my friend's die though," Halie thought about the sounds of Jamie burning alive. She can remember hearing his skin sizzle like a sausage in a hot pan on a cold, winter day. She shivered just thinking about it.

"I agree," Lenux said then let out a sigh. she was messed up in the head from the gruesome sight.

"That's in the past! Calm your tits," Alice stated.  She was lying though. She felt guilty that she killed somebody's best friend. She actually cared.

"Some people can't forget about it!" Lenux yelled while she crossed her arms and looked down.

"That sounds like a personal issue then," Alice said while she pretended to cry.

"Enough!" Halie yelled at Alice. "You've caused enough drama an honestly, I'm fed up with it."

"I will say what Jamie would say, It's all over and done with. It will be alright," Emily spoke.

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