Chapter Three ~ The Hand of the Colossus

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Zelda's eyes widened at what she had just witnessed.

It didn't seem real, the life had drained out of him so quickly. He had been so helpless, his eyes wide with confusion, before his vision had faded and became glassy.

Her body was racked with shudders as she tried to wipe her tears away. She had to be strong now.

"Mom?" her son asked, glancing up at her with watery blue eyes.

His bottom lip was quivering again, his nose running as tears ran down his cheeks.

She didn't say anything back to him, instead she hugged him again as he cried.

Zelda gently ran her fingers through his hair, trying to put aside her own grief for the moment to comfort him.

She had no idea what was going to happen next to them, she stole a glance over to the Gerudo, who was staring at her hands and then down at his body in shock. Some of the blood was still speckled on her face, she had forgotten all about it. Zelda could hear her muttering under her breath but it was barely discernible.

Link's body was already so pale, the blood in stark contrast against it. She saw his eyes staring upward, the Gerudo hadn't bothered to close them.

Zelda felt tears welling in her eyes, making her vision blurry and distorted. She flicked her gaze away- willing her tears to not fall. She had to be ready for whatever was to come.

Another Gerudo entered the cell on the other side of the room, her eyes widening as she saw his body on the floor.

The other one looked at her with helplessness, her hands still raised.

"... I didn't mean to. Please... you have to believe me!" She said, Zelda saw her eyes flashing with fear. Was she going to be punished?

The Gerudo who just came in laughed, her voice echoing across the room.

"Wait till the Boss hears about this!" Her voice was in hysterics.

Zelda turned her attention away from the Gerudos, wondering when they were going to remember who was still here.

The conversation faded and a silence pervaded the room.

"Ah, the Hero's family. I almost forgot what I came here for." The Gerudo who had been laughing said, turning to address Zelda.

Zelda maintained eye contact, trying to level her breathing.

As the Gerudo stepped back to the door she tilted her head as a gesture, the two guards on either side of the two took their chains and began to drag them out of the opening on their side of the chamber.

I wonder where they're taking us, she thought, feeling the cold metal biting into her wrists as she struggled to keep up. She hadn't really noticed before, her mind had been too preoccupied on Link, but she had been weakened too. Not to the extent he had been, but enough so that trying to keep up with the guards' long strides began to tire her out.

She figured they had been somewhere near the top of the Spirit Temple, since now they were descending down a flight of stairs, the red rug on the steps sandy and faded from age.

Her son stayed close to her side, and she could tell he was fighting back tears, his eyes on the floor.

An apology formed in the back of her throat, she felt that she was to blame for his father's death. But she didn't say anything, she would say it later, if they got out of this mess, although, at this point she was doubting she'd have that chance.

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