~ The End ~

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It's over. I can't believe it.

I started this back in August/July thinking I'd never even start it and now it's done. I'm finally done with that monster.

For now... I'm just gonna let it be, I don't want to work on editing it currently. I'm done with it atm.

But... I want to start working on another fic.


I have three main ones pending, and they're all pretty different from each other.

I'll list them here, and maybe y'all can vote on which one you want to see next??

Written in Blood | After OoT/MM fic

Sentenced | ST/Portal Sci-fi AU
(Yeah it's gonna be interesting...)

Flightless | OoT Wings AU

I know which one I'm leaning towards but I'm interested what y'all think.


Thank you for reading Tears of A Broken Kingdom (I pronounce it "toe back" for short. ) .

It really means a lot to me, since I went in really nervous and paranoid about it, knowing I'd give up, and of course I got increasingly nervous, but hey, it's done. I did it. (Somehow)

Thank you everyone who sticked with this cringe fest. Y'all are the best.


~ Fin ~

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