Behind The Scenes ~ I

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I don't really know what to do for this... I had a lot planned. I guess I can show some of my notes and artwork I did for this... talk some stuff out too.

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These were the initial ideas

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These were the initial ideas. I wanted to write something dark, and so this developed. I had a whole backstory and stuff going on BTS in this story, that never got revealed.

The goddesses were corrupt and so Ganon was controlled by Din, and so that was why Link and Zelda wanted to be killed, and why Link's body was possessed by Farore, who went rogue from Din and went to kill Zelda.

I know... a lot... right?

I planned out the torture to be traumatic for Zelda, and so that's what sets her off the whole story of course. And she struggles with that the whole time.

The world is destroyed because of the corruption of Din and Farore, the physical land and the living part of the land (which those goddesses govern) is destroyed, although Nayru is okay, cause Zelda is alive.

So that's basically in a nutshell the lore I had, and sadly I never revealed. I just didn't know how.

Here are some of my plans for the ending, which is the last part I planned. I had more ambitious ideas but they never happened.

So... I'm thinking it happens like... staggered but basically at the same time. And so there's like enough time to notice everything like
Okay so the castle is destroyed and Ganon's here?! And now he's deado. Whoops. And uh oh! Do I hear a volcano erupting? *cue head turn*
Maybe even the temple of time should be destroyed. Ah rip that'd make me sad :(( the master sword :((

Field: large cracks appear in the land, the river does something bad. Uh mainly the rifts. Mainly okay, maybe there's a population of dark monsters that can terrorize the survivors. That'd be fun.
Lon Lon Ranch: The cuccoos go rabid and eat people! Maybe one of Malon's kids makes it or something ? Idk. But they're largely contained within the Ranch. And then they eat each other and the last one dies of loneliness. Idk.

Kokiri Forest/Lost Woods: The plants go crazy and overgrow, suffocating the Deku Tree as well as trapping and killing some kokiri in its branches. Since the kokiri can't leave the forest without dying all the surviving kokiri move on and deeper into the woods. Maybe they meet up with the kokiri before they leave and Mido is like the new leader cause Saria died and he's really upset but he's being a good leader (finally).

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