Chapter Eighteen ~ And it had run out

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It came together almost too easily.

Zelda's father granted her permission to go, under the pretense that she had to be escorted.

She'd find some sort of workaround for that.

A nervous anticipation had taken over as she thought more about what she had to do. Doubt crept into the dream-like plan, was it too much to hope for?
Even if she could go back in time and find him... that didn't guarantee the Gerudo could be stopped this time around. Sure, she had knowledge of the attack, but the execution would be the most important factor.

"How long do you have to go?"

His voice was quiet and Zelda had almost expected a slight whine in his tone, surprised to hear none. This whole experience has changed him too.

"Just a few days Ash. It'll be okay."

"... can I come with you Mom? It's been awhile since I've been out of... here."

Zelda knew what her son had wanted to say. It was a cage.

Zelda bit her lip, if this had been a normal trip, yes... she would've let him come along. He'd been left in her darkness, none of this had been in any of his control and now she was leaving him again.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but I think you should stay here."

"But..." his mouth opened to protest and then stopped, pressing his lips together, "... okay."

He was acting so different. Even weeks ago he might've gotten mad but now he silently acquiesced.

"I'm sorry," Zelda let out, the tension and pain in her voice released, she reached out a hand to cup his face.

There was so much she was sorry about. Leaving him fatherless, alone in his grief even when she'd tried to help him. None of her efforts had been enough. That was why she was doing this.

"It's okay Mom. Really."

Ashton's expression had gone from reserved to worried, his hands clutched his mother's like it was a lifeline.

She hoped she was doing the right thing. If all went well he'd never have to deal with the pain. Her other hand ran through his hair.

"I've got to go now," Zeldas voice was quiet, her hands going down to her son's shoulders. He frowned.

"Mom..." she heard him swallow hard, his voice choked up, "I love you."

"I love you too, stay out of trouble okay?"

Ashton nodded, Zelda kissed his forehead, then she went off, swallowing back quiet sobs.

Epona was already bridled for the ride, her saddlebags tied on, waiting on the path out of town, kicking up dust with her hooves.

Zelda hadn't felt right riding his beloved horse before, but it felt right to do so this time.

She mounted the horse, running a hand down her neck. It was a nice crisp autumn day, around noon. The trip to Kakariko was a relatively short one, and she hoped she could enjoy it- or at least act like she was.

The two escorts mounted their own steeds, still in their full body armor. Zelda wondered how it must feel, was it icy now that it was cold?

He'd worn armor too, but his had been custom made. She'd arranged for that. Something to help repay him for saving Hyrule in another time. Although, it would be never enough, at least in her eyes.

Zelda gave a silent nod to the guards, a cue to go. All three clicked their reins and they were off.

Fallen leaves crunched under Epona's hooves, and more fell, the wind cut like a knife.

It was a good thing she had a cloak to keep her warm, and still, to conceal the bruise. It still hurt, dull and stiff. The swelling had gone down, having gotten her hands on some ice, although in secret. No one seemed to notice it, the cloak was just for the cold. It made sense, the castle felt even cooler and draftier during the cold seasons.
Wearing a cloak constantly didn't raise any eyebrows, not even the fact that it had been Link's. They all knew her grief was still there, that was one thing she hadn't been able to hide.

The town was mainly barren, most people kept up inside their homes, the wind and the cold drawing them away.

She preferred the cold, the biting wind on her cheeks and the icy numbness of her fingers kept her anchored to reality. The pain helped, for once.

Zelda kept her mind on how she was going to do this. She couldn't tell him. Link might not believe her, although Zelda doubted he'd just shake it off. She wouldn't have and she doubted he would either.

But she had to try her best to act normal. But normalcy had become foreign to her, a half-forgotten dream. Real normal. Zelda tried to remember what it had been back then and it was almost unattainable. What had it been like?


Kakariko has grown in the last few years, but it was still a sweet, sleepy town compared to Castle Town.

The guards had insisted she stay one night in the town, but Zelda had managed to persuade them to let her go up Death Mountain. And... by some miracle, that she could go alone. She'd told them not to worry about her, she'd been gone for a few days. Zelda thought that'd be long enough.

Zelda gave them her farewells and then began up the stairs at the side of the town, feeling their eyes on her back.

She'd taken the satchel she'd packed out of Epona's saddlebag, and now it was around her shoulder.

Zelda had packed lightly, she had been in such a rush she hadn't really spent time to work out what to bring. Besides the obvious, like the Ocarina of Time, she'd brought along his sword as well, the sheath strapped on her bag. He hadn't used it in the past and now maybe with the gilded sword he'd be successful. Zelda had decided to cling to hope for this.

Just like at home, Kakariko was for the most part deserted, although there was a guard at the edge of the village. And for some ridiculous reason, he had one of those masks on. The yellow one, it'd been popular years ago, but the fad had died out.

For some reason, Zelda felt the need to ask him about it.

"That mask...?" She came to a stop a few feet in front of him, a finger slightly extended towards the mask.

"Oh, this?"

The guard chuckled, pulling the thing off his face, a smile visible under his helmet.

"My dad gave it to me when I was little. Well.... after he wore it himself on duty. He... recently passed away and so I've taken to wearing it, you know... to remember him by."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. That's sweet though."

It almost made Zelda guilty at how she was acting. This man had moved on... and yet now Zelda was so moved by her grief she was committing the unthinkable. Everyone who has lost a loved one wishes they could go back... but no one else had an ocarina capable of just that.

"It's okay miss, he went peacefully."

Oh. That was why. Link hadn't gone peacefully. It had been anything but. And she had watched.

But she'd fix it.

Zelda said her farewells to the man, pushing her mind back to her plan. It was insane. No one should be able to have the power of time, and yet, she held it in her hands. It was an unfair advantage over everything, but it was too late to change her mind, no matter how selfish it was. And she wished maybe she could've fixed herself, like the man had, picked up the pieces and put them back together. Learn to be happy enough with just the memories. But time had run out.


Thought I'd might as well update. Hope y'all enjoy ~

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