Chapter Eleven ~ Caught in Twilight

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She had decided she wouldn't notice how much of a lie it all was while she bandaged him up.

His arms were wrapped in linen cloth, and he had a stack of pillows under his head.

Ashton still trembled, and there was the sheen of sweat that made his hair stick to his forehead. Zelda fussed with his hair a bit, she looked at him with sad eyes.

Whatever had happened to him hadn't just been "an accident" but she tried to ignore her morbid curiosity. Rocks wouldn't have caused such methodical and even cuts.

Zelda sighed, "Why do you keep doing this?"

She let the defeat in her voice be audible, her eyelids drooped from mental exhaustion. Her brain had become so overactive since Link's death she was in a perpetual state of lethargy. It was even worse now... she had all the time in the world to think.

"... I don't know," was all he replied, a tiny mutter.

Ashton's gaze dropped to the foot of his bed, his eyes ringed with shadows.

Zelda didn't have a reason for why he did it either, although from the fear evident in his behavior, she was certain he did have a reason. But she didn't feel like forcing anything out of him right now.

She did want to do one thing though, put an end to his anxiety-inducing disappearances.

"I'll be right back. Stay here," Zelda ordered, she stood up and made it to the open door, pausing to give her son one more look.

If she had to get her freedom revoked for her unstableness, then perhaps Ashton needed the same treatment. What's one more bird in the cage?


Zelda's entourage of guards trailed behind her once again, they had given her privacy with her son.

She had been less aware of time for months, but from the darkness that slid over the land, it was evening.

"Are any of you aware on the whereabouts of the King?" her voice had regained her usual royal formality.

"He was last seen in his study, your Highness."


The study was down a few more halls, and she let herself move of her own accord. She had the hallways memorized after all. Her brain spun in and out of sanity, hallucinations came and went. Zelda kept her head forward, she didn't want to be bothered by her mental state right now.

Zelda raised her hand to the door, her fingers rapped against the door with a quiet intensity.

"Come in."

The doorknob was cold as Zelda went to let herself in. The chill of the metal crept into her finger as she opened the door, her guards filed themselves along the wall outside the study. Zelda was thankful she'd be saved from their watchful presence, at least for a moment or two.

The King was at the window, his back to her.

She gave a glance over the room, tapestries of the Hylian crest and the Triforce hung around the room. There was a map on the King's desk, books and scrolls stacked around it.

Zelda cleared her throat, wording her question out in her head.

"Father, I-"

"-Is this important, Zelda?" He cut her off, he sounded detached and she picked up on the hint of exhaustion in his voice.

"Yes, I hate to ask this of you... but I feel the need for Ashton to be watched by a guard... like me."

Zelda hated how immature she sounded. She was supposed to be an adult and handle herself. She was back to being babysat by a guard. And not just one. She had four. Zelda cringed at how pathetic it was.

The King sighed and he turned around to face her, he didn't even bother to disguise his frown.

She noticed how old her father was starting to look. His face looked a lot more weary than in past years and his hair was beginning to go grey. Would that mean she'd be coronated as Queen soon? But she knew he'd hold onto his title as long as he could, and besides, she doubted he even thought she'd be ready for the role.

"This is costing Hyrule valuable soldiers, you know. But I'll assign some for him."

"Thank you. I-it's been really hard for him."

"It's been hard for you too."

Zelda turned her gaze downward, ashamed. She didn't know how to reply. Her purpose here had been fulfilled, she didn't have a reason to bother her father any longer.

"I'm sorry."

It was barely heard in the silence that filled the room, Zelda almost did a double take at what she thought she heard.


He sighed and Zelda shifted from foot to foot, eyes lingering on the peripheries of her vision.

"It was nothing. You can leave now, you know."

"Oh yes... of course Father."

Zelda let herself out quickly, wondering if she had just imagined it.

The sky had gotten even darker, and her guards had remained as still as statues. They went back into formation behind her, the clanking of their chainmail and armor reverberated of the stone walls.

She tried to assure herself that this would help Ashton. And it'd help her too... right? With a guard on his tail he wouldn't be able to sneak out again. But he was a smart kid, at least it'd be a whole lot harder to do so now.

It was at least somewhat relieving he'd be closer to home now. No more jaunts across the field all the way to Hylia knows where.

His door was shut like she had left it, and Zelda poked her head in but saw he had fallen asleep, the fading light hung under his eyes making his already dark circles even darker, merged with shadow.

She had a small smile on her face.


It wasn't even full on nighttime. More like twilight, the sun caught on the horizon, stuck between day and night.

She'd let him sleep though, he looked so exhausted. Leave him to his dreams.


So.. what did y'all think?

I'm sorry if this story is declining. I'm trying my best with this story and I want to do my ideas justice in execution lol.

I have made it to chapter 19!! I'm finally writing a part I've been wanting to write so long and ahah I hope I do it justice for y'all. Excited to see what y'all think!

Uhh I might start writing a bit of my new stuff... but don't worry! This fic is my main priority! I'm planning on finishing ToaBK by December and so far my progress is okay so hopefully I'll achieve that lol.

see y'all on wednesday!!  ~~

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