Chapter 29, A Wild Maid Appears.

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[Alyssa's perspective]

I had agreed on this, the evening before while Padge already lay asleep, Orinya, the demonkin who had tried multiple times already, but never gotten anywhere with my stubborn husband.

Personally, I didn't mind it if he has multiple wives. All I'd ask then is that we each get equal treatment.

But he wasn't taking it and just rejected the poor woman right there on the spot.

So I came to an agreement with her last evening as she came by.

I had let her into the house and given my consent for her job as our housekeeper and maid.

On one condition.

She did have to convince Padge the next morning. And should she fail, give up her attempts at him all together.

Then again I didn't say how she should convince him.

But she did just that, unlike what I had expected he didn't even argue about it.

While our new maid, Orinya Stillstream, stood making breakfast, Padge sat absentmindedly on one of the stools at the kitchen table.

Alina had only gotten into one of the skirts I had ordered for her and wore a simple top that used the same band around her neck that the dress used.

She walked into the kitchen on bare feet and headed for Arlen, who lay as a big ball of dark grey fur in the corner.

She was a lot calmer around the three massive wolves and cuddled up with my familiar.

Arlen being three times her size, Alina practically vanished as she sat down in the hollow between his head and forelegs.

Ruffling his fur she seemed to make this greeting a standard in the mornings.

She had spent the last three days doing this first thing in the morning.

"Milord..." Orinya spoke when she set down the final plate of breakfast for him.

With our food ready, I called Alina to let go of the huge wolf she was playing with and she quickly joined us happily for breakfast.

"Milord...?" Orinya echoed herself when Padge sat still gazing ahead of him with a dead gaze.

"Let me handle this..." I said to Orinya as I rose and hugged Padge from behind.

A soft nibble with my slightly elongated canines in his ear, I made him yelp.

"Finally Padge, Baby, welcome back to reality. Breakfast is ready..." I told him and flicked my finger along his ear as a little tease and noticed he tried to hide his red face.

We had our breakfast together, Padge, Alina and me.

Meanwhile Orinya had been given permission to familiarize herself with the layout of our home.

She would be given an easy time on her first week at this job.

Come to think of it, we did just hire a member of a family of nobles as our maid.

"I'm going to make a little N.D.A. for Orinya and enhance it with magic..." Padge spoke coldly while he rose to his feet with an absent gaze in his eyes as he left the kitchen.

"Is some'in' wrong with Daddy...?" Alina asked worriedly as Orinya passed Padge while she returned to the kitchen.

"Milady, are there any rooms you prefer I leave be?" She asked and I gave her a quick rundown of literally the only room that was off limits to her.

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