VOL.2 [Chapter 14, «Abyss Break, Shattered Memories»]

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[Padge's perspective]

I had dropped down onto the ground, sitting cross-legged as I began the chanting of my spell. I had a heavy feeling about this, but Ruflourus refused my grant of mercy, and so they would pay the price.

"«From the Abyss, flames of black. From the memories, shattered like the dreams long forgotten. Existence ends with the shattering of the glass. Abyss Break, Shattered Memories.»" I chanted the spell once.

Then again. "«From the Abyss, flames of black. From the memories, shattered like the dreams long forgotten. Existence ends with the shattering of the glass. Abyss Break, Shattered Memories.»" And again, three times became four.

Four became ten. Ten became a hundred and soon I fell into a trance like state where I just endlessly repeated the ominous chant, over, and over, and over again.

My soldiers grew visibly uneasy at the sound of my ominous chanting as it looped endlessly. I could still perceive my surroundings half, roughly, as I could tell the Head of Military from Ruflourus called for a messenger in a panic, only to send him off in a hurry.

"«From the Abyss, flames of black. From the memories, shattered like the dreams long forgotten. Existence ends with the shattering of the glass. Abyss Break, Shattered Memories.» «From the Abyss, flames of black. From the memories, shattered like the dreams long forgotten. Existence ends with the shattering of the glass. Abyss Break, Shattered Memories.» «From the Abyss, flames of black. From the memories, shattered like the dreams long forgotten. Existence ends with the shattering of the glass. Abyss Break, Shattered Memories.»"

I still sat there, chanting my spell on almost a broken-record-like fashion as the sun set around the battle without a single sword drawn.

Not only my own soldiers seemed to grow uneasy as my chanting simply repeated itself endlessly, the soldiers from the Ruflourus Republic grew even more uneasy.

Their morale was at rock-bottom when the sun rose and I was still awake, still chanting.

As the spell progressed, I maintained my focus on the Ruflourus capital, a massive metropole named the Heart of Ruflourus.

A city that from the tales I had heard, shamed even the largest cities of earth in sheer size, but soon it would cease existing.

The day slowly progressed as my mind had slipped into an automated repeat of my chant, I no longer even needed to think of the chant to maintain it.

Instead, I could freely look around, which clearly sent several hundreds of the Ruflourus soldiers into a frenzied panic. I caught word from the Head of Military as I held a stare-down with him, while chanting.

"What does a little kid think he can do with a simple chant that does not have any power?!" She screamed at me, frothing at the mouth.

He obviously had never heard of the spell, and he was vehemently denying the existence of my thirty-five-foot-wide dome of Divinity and the twenty-foot, ominous magic formation that slowly circled around me as I continued to chant.

Eventually, the switches of my guards came and the ones who had stood watch the past time seemed like they wanted to flee home.

The next guard shift grew just as uneasy as the last over the flow of mere minutes but maintained their position.

They knew Ruflourus had challenged a god. They knew Ruflourus didn't stand a chance if I went all-out.

Every single citizen of Yggdrasil knew of the tales spoken of as 'The Battle for Ganrosia'.

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