VOL.3 [Chapter 5, Countess!?]

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[Author's note]

UNfortunately due to my writer's block having made working on Fenrir impossible asa it was hit the hardest, this will be the last chapter for Rebirth of Fenrir for the time being, next week at this time I will release the prologue of a new series that will fill the slot for the time being and alternate with Fenrir after it starts again.

If you want to get early accessto my new series, Subscribing to my Patreon gets you not only the prologue a week earlier, but also all my other chapters.

You can find my Patreon at; patreon.com/padgevanderklift

Roll for initiative

[Alina's perspective]


The news Dad and Pomae just brought Kilnnae, Chaezi and Crisa right before lunch was immensely surprising.

"A-are you sure?" Kilnnae asked Dad timidly.

"I am. Or more accurately... we are." He replied to her timid question. He was definitely sure of it.

"Is that the contract you mentioned?" Crisa asked curiously, but Dad shook his head.

"It's not. Alyssa wasn't too keen on me binding you three with the same contracts I used for our head maid and the A.I.U. so when Pomae suggested this, we considered it for a while and agreed it would be a far better solution for possible trouble in the future." Dad explained and she nodded.

"I see." Was her only spoken reply and Pomae took my and Kilnnae's hands between hers.

"Come, we need to find a plot of land for you three in Asgard. Wouldn't want the family of our dear Princess' lover living outside the walls, would we?" She said and Kilnnae seemed the most surprised of the three of them.

Chaezi and Crisa seemed glad to be able to move, I had seen their actual house behind the Searching Blossom after all. It was small, rundown and in a far worse state than the store itself.

I didn't know why they lived so humbly behind their store, but I was certain they had their reasons for it.

"Please do so." Chaezi calmly replied and Dad rose to his feet.

"Then let's go and find a suitable place for you three. We can begin construction as soon as we know where you will be living." He told them and Crisa rose a bit eagerly.

"Finally, out of that horrible shack." She muttered and Pomae looked a bit confused.

"Shack?" She asked her and Chaezi was the one to reply.

"We live in what would have been the storage for the store if we had the money to purchase a home, but with us saving money for our marriage, we chose to settle behind the store rather than spend the money on a home. I'm sure Kilnnae will be relieved to have a room to herself from now on." She explained.

"Ah, that seems rather harsh on her..." Dad spoke calmly and Kilnnae nodded.

"The amount of night's their bedtime activities kept me up... I stopped counting them a long time ago." She muttered and Chaezi and Crisa smiled bashfully.

"We're not that bad of hornballs, are we?" They asked her and Kilnnae shook her head.

"You're worse than you think." She muttered and I squeezed her hand softly.

"Come." I addressed everyone.

With that, we left the dining room and, shortly after, the palace altogether.

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