VOL.3 [Chapter 8, A secretary for the Court Mage.]

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[Alina's perspective]

I had been busy with the finishing touches on a supplement for a spell I was devising when Mom barged in on me. She told me something about having someone I had to meet for a job.

Honestly, I wasn't really paying attention to what she said, I only caught something about a job and somewhere around lunchtime. Not much more. But with the parchment scroll to guide my spell done, I found the time had flown by, it was almost lunchtime and my stomach definitely agreed that a meal was in place.

The loud, embarrassing growl it released left my face burning up. I worriedly looked around and found no-one was in my study.

Dad had the place enhanced with warding runes to keep my spells from blowing up the wing of the palace it was built in, but at least I had a private spot for my studies and magic, all for myself.

"Well, time to get some food, I wonder what the chef's cooked up this time." I muttered as I walked to the door, only to see it swing open in my face.

"Hey! Watch it, you almost hit me with that!" I called annoyed at who had, just a moment ago, almost smashed me in the face with the door to my study.

"I-I-I'm sorry!" The voice of a young girl called out to me while she bowed deeply in apology.

On her head were a familiar set of two small horns peeking between the long hair that was flung in a majestic arc over her head as she bowed.

"I see you didn't forget the appointment I told you about." Mom said from behind the familiar individual that stood bowing before me.

"Huh?" I said confused.

What appoint- ooooh!

"I didn't, I definitely didn't completely forget about it!" I exclaimed.

"So. What was that appointment we had then?" Mom asked me.

"Lunch!" I replied confidently, I'm pretty sure it was lunch.

"No. So you did forget?" Mom countered me.

"No I didn't!" I exclaimed insulted. I'm not that much of a scatterbrain! I'm not, I'm just very focused!

"So, what was that appointment then?" Mom asked me again.

"You sure it wasn't lunch? I'm pretty hungry." I replied and she shook her head.

"No, your interviewee is right here." She said, no-one in front of her. Neither someone behind her.

"Where?" I asked confused and she tapped someone on the back in front of her.

Right, I almost had a door smacked in my face a moment ago.

In just as much as a flurry of her long hazel hair as when she bowed someone shot straight up.

"No, that's my fiancée." I replied when I recognized Kilnnae standing before me.

"Ooh, you didn't freeze up! Yay..." I chimed when Kilnnae simply cocked her head at me.

"She is your interviewee." Mom told me again.

"Did I forget about a lunch appointment? I think we didn't plan one right?" I asked Kilnnae who shook her head.

"Why is food the only thing you can think of now?" She asked me.

"Well, duh. I'm hungry... aaand I may or may not have skipped breakfast." I replied, causing Mom to sigh deeply.

"Didn't we tell the maids to bring your breakfast here because that kept happening?" She asked me.

"They did, it's right there, I may have forgotten to eat it, though." I answered her honestly pointing at the plate with grilled bread, eggs and bacon on it.

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