Chapter 18: Is It A Crush?

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Sophie stood in front of Damian, Aaron, and I sopping wet, flinging water out of her eyes. I turned towards Day, pointing a finger and shouting at him. “Evil! He must die!”

“Get him!”

Aaron held Damian in his place while Sophie charged at him and I smiled evilly at him. As Sophie started to tickle him, I went towards the fridge, cackling at his attempts to shout mercy. Opening the door, I start searching for pudding. You might think this is, well, weird, but Damian is terrified of pudding. More so, chocolate pudding. It may or may not deal with us putting some in a babies diaper, opening it, and eating it. 

I grabbed the pudding cup that was hidden behind the orange juice, I opened it and scooped it into a bowl before grabbing a spoon and walking up to him, sending him a sickly sweet smile. Now standing in front of him, Sophie looked over and cracked a grin that mirrored mine. I picked the spoon up, showing a small pile of chocolate pudding. Damians eyes widened immensely. I smirked and licked the back of the spoon before I shoved my hand in it and smeared it all over his face, all the while he cried for Aaron to help him.

Damian fought out of Aarons grasp, then turned towards me looking as though he was going to cry. “I don’t know how you could do such a thing to me, Cara! Why?! You know I hate chocolate pudding!”

A tear fell down his face, and guilt quickly run through my veins. “Day-”

“You deserve it! You bloody well soaked me, Damian John! You’ve been tormenting me and Aaron since Cara had left! How can we do this to you? Well the answer is simple- you have been nothing but mean to us since she left, that’s how!” Sophie hollered into Damians face, pointing towards me.

“It was all jokes, Sophia! You know what that is?!” Damian shouted. “It’s when you laugh at something so stupid, that it makes it funny! But this, this isn’t funny! You edged her on to pulling the pudding out- the fucking pudding- out on me! You know I hate it and that I cannot stand it!” 


“If I wanted her to do it, I would have told her to do it, instead! She did it on her own because you have been an ass to us this whole time!”


“Cara, just shut up!” Damian spat at me.

Tears threatened to spill over as Sophie had started defending me. Bickering back and forth, getting in one another’s faces, I let my guard down. A tear fell as I heard Damian scream for me to tell her wrong, when both of them are in the wrong. Yes, he has been an ass; but only for part of the time. In my opinion, he deserved that. But then again, that’s me. I chuckled a small chuckle, wiping my cheek. 

Getting up, I walked out of the room and out the door. Sometimes, I wonder why I even go there. Shouting out to text me, since I didn’t want to be near the fighting, I started walking down the road towards my house. Music blared out my phone as I kept my stride going towards my house. 

My phone starts going off, playing Pierre Bouviers voice, telling me I’m not getting any, and that if I picked up my phone I would. Laughing, it was from Sophie.

Sorry, will c u tmrw 4 warm ups, chickadee. Promise! Day has been an ass 2 u nd u don’t deserve it! Luv u xx

Quickly responding, I wrote back to her. ‘He was part of the time, but the other time he was sweet. Anywho, see you tomorrow, babe. Love you lots! Xx

Before opening the front door, I knocked. “Is it PG 13 in there?” I questioned before I heard two voices holler yes.

I hastily opened the door, and ran into my fathers arms and quickly hugged Jason before telling them all what happened- from Richie helping kidnap me, to the threats, to hanging out with Josh, Ian, Matt and Mike- of course, I only told them the basic need-to-knows. In the end, dad sighed, telling me he was happy I was OK.

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