Telling the family and panic attacks

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"So, I'm not a psychopath?" I ask.

"No. I already told you that." Demi says.

"Nope. I'll leave you alone to talk." Dr. Shepard says.

"But, how easily I lied and manipulated you." I say.

"Sweetie. When you are struggling with something that we did, lying becomes easier." Demi says.

After 2 hours of being in the hospital, I am finally allowed to go home. This is where it gets harder. On the way home, Demi told me that she had some rules for me to follow while she is gone but won't tell them to me until we get home. We pull into the driveway and we walk inside.

"Kay. Can you go upstairs? I need to speak with Grandma, Grandpa, Dallas and Maddie." Demi asks her.

"Sure." Kay says running upstairs.

Demi looks down, as if she is trying not to cry. I sit down, bouncing my knee and cracking my knuckles.

"Demi? What is it?" Grandma asks, worried.

Demi sighs and sits down, "I just took Alexis to the doctors."

"How bad is it?" Grandma asks.

"So, Dr. Shepard said that Alexis is Bipolar, she is suffering with Bipolar depression, Anxiety, mainly Social Anxiety. She also is suffering from Bulimia and Anorexia." Mom says.

I tug on my sleeves and look down.

Demi walks over to me and places her hands on mine.

"Baby. It's ok. You can show them." Demi whispers.

"But, what if they don't like me because of it?" I ask.

"They won't judge. Remember, I've been through this." Demi whispers.

Looking down, I take a deep breath and I take the bomber jacket off. I hear various gasps from different people and I feel a tear roll down my face. The gasps turn into whispers and it starts to get hard to breathe. Tears start to rapidly pour down my face and I burry my head in my lap. I start to get dizzy and I black out.




When Alexis showed us her arms, I was the first one to gasp. It was hard enough to watch Demi go through it, but Alexis too? Mom, Dad and Maddie start to whisper, and I just lean back into my thoughts. I glance over at Alexis and her head is in her lap. I walk over to her and I place my hand on her arm, expecting her to lift her head. When she doesn't, I place her legs off the couch and I look at her face. Her eyes are closed and there are visible tear tracks on her cheeks. Maybe she fell asleep. I softly shake her in an attempt to wake her up. When she doesn't I start to get worried. Demi walks over and sits on the ground next to me.

"Are you ok, Dallas?" Demi asks.

"No. Alexis is asleep, but she won't wake up." I say.

Demi goes into full panic mom mode, going crazy like a mad man. I do the logical thing and I go to Mom.

"Mom. Alexis is asleep and won't wake up." I say.

Mom gets up and lays Alexis down on the couch. She places a wet towel on her forehead.

"Just let her wake up on her own." Mom says.

Word Count: 542

Alexia Kate- Daughter of Demi Lovato (COMPLETED) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now