Chapter 5

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You sigh. A few seconds later Your cat runs in. " come little one" you say laughing and picking her up. " I feel your pain.. I hate Zach too" you say. You kiss your cats forehead. You lay down and continue watching the movie. About a half in hour later you hear a knock on the door. You stand up and walk to your door. As your about to lock it someone walks in.... Zach!! " uhhh" you grown. " your mom says dinners ready" he says.
' fuck you bitch go suck a cock' you think to yourself. You sigh. " I didn't know you lived here" he says nervously scratching the back of his neck. " ya and I didn't know that you cared about me eating"!! You say. He looks at you for a sec before finally saying. " w-well I don't".
" I'll be down in a second" you say. He nods his head and leaves.

Time skip at dinner

" so how are you"? Zachs mom asks you.
" I'm okay" you lie. " good... so y/m/n are you coming on the business trip tomorrow night"? She asks. " o-oh yes I am"!! Your mom says.
" w-what businesses trip" you ask. Your mom and everyone ignores you. " hey if you want
Y/n could stay with Zach, Ryan, and Reese so she's not alone" Zachs dad says. " no I don"- you get cut off by your mom. " she would love to". Zach looks at the ground. " what happened to your lip"? Ryan asks. You and Zachs eyes both go wide. " I- i.. I umm" you couldn't lie.
" she got in a girl fight.... it was a-awesome" Zach says. You give him a puzzled look and look Away.

after dinner....

You where doing the dishes after dinner.
You feel something tugging on your shirt.
You look down and see Reese. " hi" you say.
" your pretty" she says. You smile. " why thank you" you say. she smiles. " can you play hide and seek with me"? She asks. You nod your head and follow her to the living room.
" RYAN PLAY HIDE AND SEEK WITH US" Reese yells. " okay" he says putting his phone down and walking up to you and Reese.
" ANYONE ELSE WANT TO play"? Reese says.
Zach walks in. " I will" he says. You roll your eyes. " okay Ryan's it EVERYONE HIDE" she yells. You giggle as Ryan closes his eyes. You run upstairs and hide in your moms room closet. You where standing behind the closed door when Zach opens it and shoves himself in.
" sorry didn't know where to hide" he says.
You sigh. " WHY DO YOU HATE ME" he whisper yells. " I- don't hate you" you say.
" lie" he says. " okay you wanna know why I hate you bitch..... it's cause you FUCKING ABUSE ME AT SCHOOl... you make me bleed and cry at home by myself... you make me want to FUCKING KILL MYSELF"!!!!! You yell in his face. He flinches. " I'm sorry" he says. You give him a dirty look. " fuck You I don't need an apology" you yell. He covers your mouth. You slap his hand off.
" WTF" you yell. He covers your mouth again. " SHHH RYAN WILL HEAR US" he whisper yells.
" I don't fucking care" you say as you slap his hand off.
" SHH" he says again. " don't tell me to"- he cuts you off.... but not with his hand. He smashes his lips to yours.....

Word count: 570

Heart and sole bully ( Zach Herron/ why don't we Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now