Chapter 1: The Unknown

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"Don't worry," I said quietly, my arms around my father. "I'll be fine. This is school."

"Okay. If you say so," he replied. "Don't bring home any boys."

I laughed. "I won't."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Dad kissed my forehead and watched as I stepped into the car.

"Bye!" I shouted.

"Goodbye..." Dad replied, waving.

I backed out of the driveway and drove to school with my windows down. The air was cool. It felt good against my skin. I wanted to just stop and walk around, but I wasn't the type of person to skip school. I wanted an education, after all, and I wouldn't be able to get that if I skipped school. As I drove down the highway, I saw the parking lot.


I walked nervously into school. This place was new to me. I was used to another school, but I had left my mom because of her new habits. They were unhealthy, and neither I nor my father wanted me to get hurt. I shivered at the thought of my old home. Could I even call it home?

I looked over my schedule. I knew where nothing was, but, luckily, I had half an hour to figure out where my classes were. That's what I spent that half hour doing. By the time it was eight o' clock, I was sitting at a desk in my first class.

"Hey." A girl greeted me. "I'm Amethyst! You're a newbie, aren't you?"

"Amethyst, that is not how you introduce yourself to a new student!" A paler, taller girl looked at me seriously. "I am Pearl. I apologize for my companion."

"I-it's okay..." I replied. "I'm Lapis Lazuli."

"Nice to meet you, Lapis!" Amethyst shouted, grinning.

Pearl elbowed Amethyst as the teacher walked in. I took notes in a notebook during class, along with drawing in the margins.

Amethyst was in the rest of my classes until lunchtime. She was always the class clown, and nearly kept everyone from learning anything at all. She raced me to the cafeteria. We were both laughing as we walked in.

"Amethyst!" Pearl scolded her friend. "You know that is breaking the rules!"

"Shush, teacher's pet," Amethyst retorted. Pearl gasped overdramatically as we took our seats. They began to argue soon afterwards.

I sighed and looked around at the other students. One of them caught my eye. Her skin was a little darker than my own, and her hair was blonde. Her eyes were a very beautiful green, but they seemed to show loneliness. She was sitting by herself, after all. After a minute or so, I stood up and walked to her table. The girl immediately perked up and watched me confusedly. I sat down on a stool next to her and smiled at her.

"Hi," I said. "I'm Lapis Lazuli." The girl took off her glasses and wiped them off with her shirt, then put them back on her face. "Yes, I'm real."

Her cheeks reddened a little at that comment. "I know..." she said, glaring at the floor. "I'm Peridot."

"Nice to meet you." Peridot's green eyes were burning into my face. I could feel my own cheeks begin to heat up. "Why are you sitting by yourself?"

"...I just...I don't have any friends here," she explained. She stuffed a spoonful of her lunch into her mouth and gulped it down.

"Why not?"

"I don't fit in. That's all. Why are you interrogating me?"

"I saw you just sitting here by yourself. Don't you want a friend?"

Suddenly, a sparkle appeared in Peridot's eyes. She looked at me, surprised.

"Yeah!" She exclaimed, the cutest smile making its way onto her face. I subconsciously began to twist my hair. Her immaturity reminded me of when I was a kid. She seemed so innocent, and now she seemed so happy.

"Then I'll be your friend."

Suddenly, Peridot was standing up, practically frozen.

"Sorry." She sat back down and fidgeted with her fingers.

"Not used to this, are you?" I asked her.

"No," she replied.

I smiled. Peridot was staring at me, not even stopping to blink.

"Are you alright?" I asked, reaching towards her face.

"I'm fine!" She exclaimed.

Peridot pushed my hand away harshly. I yelped. The moment her hand came into contact with mine, it burned. Her skin felt like it was burning.

"Ow!" I shouted, holding my burned hand against my chest. "Why are you so hot?!" Peridot's face turned red. "Temperature hot!"

"O-oh," Peridot stuttered. "I'm sorry. My body temperature is kind of above average."

"Kind of?!" Peridot's glare burned through me worse that the touch of her hand. "Sorry."

I looked at my hand to see what damage had been done. To my surprise, there weren't any burn marks or any darker patches of skin. It just felt warm. I looked up at Peridot. She had pain in her eyes. It wasn't physical, I could tell. It was a guilty type of pain. She felt bad for hurting me.

"It's okay," I said, smiling at her.

"Sorry..." Peridot was murmuring under her breath.

"I'm telling you, it's fine."

I laid my hand on Peridot's. My hand burned at the touch, but not as badly as the first time. It was a burn I could handle, and one that I understood wouldn't hurt me. Peridot looked at me with wide eyes.

"It doesn't hurt," I assured her.

"Promise?" She asked, still scared.

"I promise."

Peridot smiled an adorable crooked smile.

Oh my god.

I could feel the color that was invading my face at that moment. What was she doing to me? My heart was pounding faster and faster.

Could I be crushing on her?

I stared at nothing.

That's exactly what this is.

"Are you okay?" Peridot looked so worried. Worried for me.

"I-I'm fine," I lied. My heart wanted to just jump right out of my chest.

"Is it my hand?!"

"No! It's nothing! Nothing..."

Peridot suddenly gripped my hand.

There's that color again.

We were looking at each other. Peridot's frantic eyes were searching every inch of my face to find what was wrong. I was watching her, praying that she wouldn't find that. The sound of the bell interrupted her search.

"Time for class," She said.

I nodded in response and quickly walked off to my next class.

That night, I was laying in my bed. The thought of Peridot was taunting me. How she seemed so worried. She was so concerned. The last thing she wanted was to hurt me. I had only just met her, and we were both important to each other. I was her first friend, and she was my first crush.

I fell asleep, the thought of her still there in my head.

She was in my dream, comforting me. She said she would never leave me. Then it faded away.

Morning again.

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