Chapter 3: Friends

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I walked into the house. The first thing I heard was a sneeze from Peridot.

"Still feeling a little under the weather?" I asked, walking up to her.

"I'm feeling better. I just needed to sneeze," she replied, looking away.


"Hello, Lapis." Yellow walked into the room with a bottle of pink liquid.

"Mom!" Peridot shouted. "I don't want to drink that!"

"It will make you feel better," Yellow replied. "You have to drink it." She poured the medicine onto a spoon. Yellow attempted to get Peridot to drink the medicine, but she kept her mouth clamped shut. "Stop being so stubborn!" Yellow growled.

"No!" Peridot looked away as she spoke.

I carefully took the spoon from Yellow. "Peridot, take your medicine."

Peridot stuttered as she tried to say something and growled at me. "Fine," she bellowed. She drank her medicine with her eyes shut tightly. "Yuck!" She looked at the spoon maliciously.

I found myself laughing at her reaction to the medicine. Yellow laughed with me. Peridot was glaring at both of us, but out of my peripheral vision, I saw her stifle a laugh as she looked at me.

I remained by Peridot's side for the rest of the morning. When the clock struck noon, the front door flew open, and all of Peridot's friends were trying to squish themselves inside at the same time.

"One at a time!" Yellow yelled. "I don't need you breaking the doorframe again like last week!"

"Sorry," all of Peridot's friends said at the same time. The five of them walked inside. I recognized Ruby, the girl with rainbow hair, and the pixie-like girl, but I hadn't seen the other two. "Hey, Lapis!" They all exclaimed.

"Hey, Ruby, and uh..."

"Bismuth," the rainbow haired girl said.

"Agate," a girl about the same height as Bismuth said. Her pastel blue hair, which was done in two buns, looked like horns on top of her head.

"Zircon," another girl said, looking away. She was a little shorter than Bismuth and Agate, but not nearly as bulky in build. She appeared to be easily irritated.

Everyone looked at the pixie-like girl. "Royal Blue," she finally said in her singsong voice.

"Nice to meet you," I said with a smile on my face.

"Lunch is ready," Yellow said as she placed burgers on the table.

All of Peridot's friends bolted to the table and ate the burgers in the most uncivilized manner possible.

"Wait..." Peridot sighed. I walked to the table and grabbed a burger. Everyone stopped and watched as I brought the burger to Peridot. "Thank you," she said, taking a bite out of her lunch.

"You're welcome," I replied.

Peridot fell asleep in the middle of eating her lunch, so I let her be while I ate lunch with her friends.

"So," Bismuth began. "You got a crush on Peridot or something?"

"No!" I shouted. Royal Blue was eyeing me. Suddenly, everyone was eyeing me. "Possibly," I mumbled. Snickers echoed throughout the room. "Don't make fun of me." I looked away and growled.

"It's kind of obvious." Ruby shrugged.

"D-does Peridot know?" A shiver went up my spine.

"Poor kid," Agate said. "Too immature to suspect anything at all."

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