Prologue (Edited 3.21.15)

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The ReSurfaced Truth ; A Vampire Knight FanFiction.


It's been over two months since I've left Cross Academy with my re-awoken mate, Yuki ; with the aid of my collegues and that un-savory lower-class vampire, Zero Kiryu.

Thanks to them, I'm finally allowed to live my life with Yuki after a decade of being bereaved from her affection. Though her life has change immensely, she's grown accustomed to the pureblood life-style. But even still, she remains the same free and righteous spirit she was when she was human, over-protective, masking her true emotions even when she's upset and still naïve as always.

But she desires something that burns me to the core of my soul, she wants the relationship she once had with Zero. I've always known of course, she does a horrid job of hiding it but ever since her last encounter with him, she fears rejection from him and fears losing him. So fearful to see him or even step near Cross Academy. I've grown immune to the aching pain in my heart. Moments like these, I wish she was more affectionate towards me like she was with Zero. I know I've grown selfish to her love and affection but as I've always said "She's the most precious thing in the world to me."

The morning sun begins to rise and shine fiercely, I ask to have the silk curtains closed, to continue my work in the study room. I couldn't sleep from the re-collection of memories, from the very beginning to now. I've watched her bloom from a small child to a beautiful young woman, both a blessing and a curse to me.

A blessing, because I've been given the chance to see her grow but a curse aswell because I was nothing but a stranger.

Then my mind wandering to the many people I've used to get this, the countless many left to weep and mope alone just for my needs, wishes and emotionally draining secrets.

A ray of light sneaks past the curtains, making my eyes hurt. Shielding my eyes from the blaze with my right hand, I leaned back and released a long hard sigh releasing some frustration.

A soft light knock emerges from the french doors, I hear the knobs turn and soft push of the doors make the hinges creak quietly. Stealing a peak from the opening of my index and middle finger and see a tender-eyed, petite framed girl with her waist lengthed, chestnut brown hair ; flowing in sync as she moved, as she stood in the light you could notice the red/dark brown hues in her hair. She wore a short but knee-lengthed strapless high and low snowy white dress that matched her undefined beauty, from a distance you'd mistake her for a heaven's angel.

Her voice arose, "Kaname?"

I loved the way she said my name, her voice sent chills down my spine, I moved my hand away entirely to gaze at her angelic posture then my lips parted as I began to speak,

"Yuki? What're you doing up? It's still pretty early.."

"I could ask you the same thing," A soft smile formed across her face

I sat up then stood, her lips tightened as I began to slowly stroll towards her. She held her breath once I was standing right infront of her, I opened my arms to pull her into a close hug but she pushed back politely, not knowing it hurt me.

"Kaname, I came in here to ask if I could go down to the village and see what it has to offer. Maybe I'll find a new dress or try new foods!"

she smiled and it instantly warmed my heart up but then again I couldn't let her go, especially in her state she's still sensitive to everything but then again she's been cooped up in the mansion ever since we arrived. I let out a heavy sigh then walked to the bay window grabbing hold on the curtain and took a peak of the small world,

"Hanabusa or Ruka must accompany you just incase."

"Oh, But I was actually hoping that you would come with me.."

Shock rushed thru my veins and into my heart and I turned back to look at her with a sly smile

"I would love too."

"Great! I'll summon someone to the car and I'll be waiting there for you." She turned almost bumped into a familiar figure. She backed away with her head hanging low then looked up to see who it was. It was Takuma, his hair was a little longer than before we last spoke.

He bowed to Yuki then to me, "We need to talk."

"We can speak later-"

He interrupted, "I'm afraid this can't wait any longer. It's really urgent."

I looked at Yuki and sighed, "I'll ask Hanabusa to assist you. I promise to make it up to you."

Disappointment took over her face and nodded quietly, walking out and closing the door behind her.

I looked out the window waiting for the car to drive off with Aido and Yuki. After a few moments the car started and drove out into town.

"What makes this so urgent?"

Takuma turned to me, "We have a problem."

Little did I know, that this would effect on my life to the point where my love life is in jeapordy.

Takuma had a car waiting just outside the main entrance, "Kaname, while I was gone I layed low at my grandfather's old villa. I had to get away from all the catastrophe with Rido and you, Including executing my own flesh and blood." he paused then slowly continued 

"It was peaceful and quiet. Until a few days ago, It was still day and I heard a knock at the door, I went to see who it was and there was nobody. I looked around and still nothing. Just as I was about to close the door, I heard a small cry. I look down to see a baby wrapped in a pink blanket with a note.."

He pulls an envelope with the bloody rose stamped on the front, He motioned it towards me and I recieved it and the front revealed it was entitled it to me.

I opened it then scanned to see if anyone had left a name or anything. Nothing. The letter was neatly written in a script form and spoke with simple words but it revealed a secret that not even I knew.

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