2: My boring life

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. Noah .

After an eventful weekend, I was back to working the next weekend.

"Pumpkin latte!" I called the last order of my day, alerting the customer who was on her phone, she instantly looks up and walks towards me, after a thank you, she grabs her drink, walking away.

Done for the day

After finally finishing my early shift I get to go home, "bye Charlie," I tap this shoulder as I walk past him, he was preparing a drink. He looks up from his task, "bye, I'll see you tomorrow." After exchanging smiles, I walk away to the back to grab my stuff.

The weather was slowly getting colder so I put on my hoodie in top in my work shirt, instantly warming up my body, putting on my black hoodie, I exist the cafe through the back door.

As I make my way towards my apartment, passing the familiar neighbourhood I always do, this time the difference was that it wasn't as quite as usual,

"You're so annoying!" I look up at the sound of a girl yelling, my eyes fall on a little girl who happened to be younger than me, she was a brunette with bright blue eyes, our features almost identical.

I watched slowly walking past as she exited the car and after her an older looking guy existed, then an older women and finally an older man, I couldn't exactly see their faces properly but for some reason they all seemed familiar.


I flinched and clutched my head at the sudden voice of a little boy in my head and unclearly images in my head, I couldn't see anything and it was only increasing the headache.

I tried to brush to it of and not push the the image in my head instead I ignored it and touched the necklace around my neck, bring the familiar feeling of love it always did.

Leaving the nice neighbourhood I across the street and walk around to my apartment, the buildings changing from big homes to apartment buildings, my building was the second building, each buildings had about 15 apartments.

I unlocked the door to my apartment and entered my home, the scent of vanilla attacking me.

My apartment was good for me, it was small and comfy. The living room was the first sight when entering, a small tv hung on the wall with a couch in front it. Walking in a little, to the right a small kitchen, it had everything I needed. I also didn't bother buying a dinning table and just used the counter in the middle, placing chairs around for when friends came, but I mostly ate on the couch while watching tv, so it would've been a waste anyway.

Walking further in, past the living room and kitchen, the door to the left was the toilet and the door to the right was my very own cave, my bedroom. It was medium sized and perfect to me, I loved it.

Each apartment building had a laundry room downstairs, it was creepy and dark, I hated it.

I changed into some causal clothing, because even though I said I'd nap once I was home, well for some reason I didn't need that anymore I felt energised and wanted to do something.

I texted Jamie, to see what his doing and if his up for hanging out, I finally got a respond from him after a few seconds,

Jamie: Hello! Nothing just at home

Me: Same, you wanna do something?

Jamie: Sure meet you in our usual place

Me: Kay, leaving now

I walked out my apartment building making sure to lock my door and started walking towards where me and Jamie usually met before deciding what to do.

It was about 15 minutes walk from my apartment and it was sorta like a park, but with limited things to do, only the swing and a slide. Mostly there was picnic benches around for people to sit on. Me and Jamie usually meet by the side picnic bench, where we first met.

I was sat by myself, upset because no one wanted to play with me and were calling me names,

"Hi! Can I sit here?" A very energetic boy said, causing me to look up

I stared at him confused, not even waiting for an answer he sat across from me, "My name is Jamie, I just moved here, what's your name?"

All I could think was, this kid is way to happy sunshine's for me.

And that's how we pretty much became friends since we always ended up meeting at the bench after school ended, we planned to go the same high school so we could actually hang out together more.

We even craved our initials into the bench just to leave our mark there really. But, some dude wasn't having it since as I walked closer I could see a man in a suit sitting on the bench, across him was another man, dressed more causally and around them was few more men.

This wasn't dodgy at all...

I decided to just walk past the bench and towards the swing which was empty thanks to it still being school hours, I could feel eyes on my back as I made my way towards the swing.

I clearly wasn't wanted here...

Shrugging it of and ignore the men, I sat on the swing, waiting for Jamie to hurry up.

I slowly went back and forth in the swing, kicking some sand with my feet, then suddenly there was a shadow over me, blocking the sun.

I slowly look up, hoping to find Jamie standing above me, but instead,

"Hello," the deep voice voice of the familiar face smirked down at me.

Oh no...

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