12: Enzo?

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The young boy clutched onto the women he believed was he mother, his eyes fell on the yard, a group of kids laughing and running around expect one, he was sat in the corner his eyes closed as he looked to be napping.

"Noah, this is home," the women, Lilian, pointed,

"Who are these people?" Noah asked, his eyes not moving from the children playing

"They're family, they also live with us," she answered, she slowly pulled him forward, "let's go, I'll show you your room,"

Noah nodded and walked besides the women, confused as to why he couldn't remember this place, despite it being home.

They stopped in front a wooden door, Lilian pushed the door open, revealing a medium sized room that was fully prepared beforehand for the little boy.

"My room is next to yours if you ever need anything," Lilian told the boy, Noah let of the women's hand and walked towards his room, he looked around in hope of remembering something.

Months had passed and Noah had finally adjusted to his new home, he was distant at first, he observed his surroundings, until he finally felt like it was time for him to make friends and get out of his shell.

Noah toke a deep breath and walked towards the yard where all the kids usually played on a good day, he stopped in front of them.

The kids didn't noticed at first until one of them nudged the other to look and eventually it fell quite and they stared at the boy in confusion.

Noah gathered his confidence and smiled, "hi I'm Noah,"

No one noticed but the quite boy who usually napped in the corner perked up, his eyes slowly opening to watch the scene unfold in front of him. He observed the nervous but also confident boy.

But no one responded and they just stared at him quietly, Noah's smile was slowly falling and he bit his lips as a habit, it was too late, he thought.

Before he could turn around and go back into his safety blanket, he snapped his head up at the new and energetic voice,

"Hey dude! You're finally out," a blond haired boy cheered from the front and slowly the rest followed, they walked forward to introduce themselves and invited Noah to play.

The quite boy in the corner narrowed his eyes at the group, he huffed and went back to continuing his nap.

Once again months has passed since Noah became friends with the rest of the kids, all expect one.

Noah had spent the past week gathering enough courage to approach the sleeping lion in the corner.

Noah slowly walked towards the target, wiping his sweaty palms on the side on his jeans, you can do this Noah, he cheered himself on.

He always asked the kids about the boy but no one knew anything about him, they just shrugged and never answered the question.

The lions ears perked up as he heard footstep approaching him and he slowly opened his dark grey eyes once he felt the footsteps stop and replaced with a presence directly in front of him.

Noah was almost amazed by how beautiful he found the lion, his heart was beating fast but he just thought it was his nerves.

"Hi," Noah breathed, he bent down to sit on the floor so he was not standing above the lion.

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