7: Go home Noah

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. Noah .

I was walking home that same day with Jamie by my side, who waited for me to finish my shift so we could walk home together.

"Did you finish your essay?" I asked

Jamie smiles and sighs, "yes and I'm so happy,"

I smile, shaking my head, "I'm sure you'll get a good grade on it, you looked really focused on it,"

"I hope so," he sighs, yawning as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leaning his head against mine, "I'm so tired,"

"Same, but I have a shift at the club," I groan, tiredly leaning against Jamie, "I'm gonna be go home change and eat something,"

It was 6 and I didn't start my shift at the club until 8 so I had some time.

"Why did you get another job? It's not good for your health, are you short on money?" Jamie asked

I lazily shrugged, "the café won't give any more extra shifts and I had spare time so thought might as well do something with it,"

"Well you could've rested up in that spare time,"

"Well I can save money now and retire early," I smiled, Jamie shakes his head in response

We enter the road to my neighbourhood, I stop and turn to Jamie, "you coming?"

He thinks for a few seconds, "yeah sure, I'll leave when with you when you go work,"

We walked back to my apartment and literally crashed, I toke a shower and laid on my bed and that was it, I don't know when I feel asleep but I was shook awake my Jamie,

"N! Noah! Get up!"

I mumbled, rolling around, trying to swat him away.

"It's 7:30, you have work!" That seemed to wake up as I shoot my eyes open and rushed out of bed, frantically looking for my work uniform which was a white shirt and black trousers,

"You run, I'll lock up with the spare key," Jamie said, I quickly shouted an okay and ran out the apartment.

I literally ran so fast that I'm surprised that I hadn't tripped or got run over because I was running like a mad man.

I ran into the bar from the back door, where the manger was in the kitchen, he notices me and raises his brows at me,

"I'm-huh-Sorry," I tried to speak but I was so breathless, the manger looked around, walking away to a glass, filling it will water and walking back to me,

"Here," he hands me the glass, which I gladly take, "thank you,"

"It's okay, you're only a few minutes late," he says, with a smile on his face, "don't let it become a habit, get to work," he taps my shoulder and walks away.


I quickly make my way downstairs to the club, which was starting to get crazy slowly, I walk towards the bar, where Alex was already serving a few customers when he notices me,

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