10: Burn

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.     Noah     .

Mr smexy drove me home after I realised I might aswell just eat that delicious breakfast prepared, so after I was done and sat waiting, he came back down and dropped me home in his fancy car.

I didn't really want him to know where I lived so I told him to drop me of about 5 minutes away from my apartment.

I had a shift at the café in about 2 hours, so I showered and changed, heading out to work, still with a crazy banging headache. I also just remembered I have a shift at the club, later.

Why did I let Jaime convince me to go a club...?!

I'm so dead!

I was a walking zombie, I literally don't think I can function today, I hope the manger doesn't notice, or else I'm dead.

I got set up at work after placing my things in my locker and head to the front, putting my best work smile on.

You've got to be kidding me?!

My first customer of the day is him, I breath out to calm myself, pretend his just another random customer, I smile at him, "hi, What can I get you today?"

He stares at me blankly, "I'll have a black coffee," I nod and after his done paying, handing him his receipt. He steps aside, waiting for his drink.

I turn around to prep his drink, trying my best to do it as quickly as possible, in a hurry I quickly grab the drink and turn around, only for Dylan to walk past causing us to crash into each other and the hot drink spilling all over me.

I instantly drop the cup and waving my burning hand around in pain,

"Shit! Oh my god! Are you okay?!" I hear Dylan panicking, trying to reach for my hand only for it to be slapped away by Mr smexy.

He takes a hold of my wrist and pulls me towards the sink, running it under cold water, I try flinching away from the cold water but he holds onto my hand tightly.

"You should be more careful," he says, his eyes on my red hand, I stay quite not sure what to say.

"Take a day off," he suddenly says, looking up at me. I take this opportunity to grab my hand of his, "I'm fine, you shouldn't be in here, please go back behind the counter,"

He narrows his eyes at me and tries to reach for my hand only for me to move it away from him, "stop being stubborn Noah," he warns.

"Leave me alone," I say, trying to seem at least a little intimidating so he'd take me serious.

He stares at me, studying me, "I can't,"


I furrowed my brows at him in confusion, what does he mean by that?

"Noah! Here, I got you some ointment," Dylan suddenly appears, diverting my attention towards him, he reaches for my hand once again, stopped by Mr smexy who holds onto his hand.

"Pass it here," he says, Dylan instant nods and pass the ointment to him and goes back to work as direct by Mr smexy. I really need a name for him, I'm getting tired of calling him Mr Smexy.

He grabs my uninjured hand and pulls me along towards the tables and pushing me to sit down.

Luckily it was still was still early in the day so the cafe was a little empty and I didn't have to face the wrath of everyone being nosey.

He grabbed the other chair and placed it in front of me, taking a seat, he reached for my injured hand, this time I let him.

"Who the hell are you?" I finally ask,

He pauses for brief second then continues applying the ointment, "Vincenzo, Vincenzo Kingston,"

"You liar!" I heard the voice of a little boy yelling in my head.

I clutched the side of my head, a headache approaching, "ow," I groaned in pain.

"What's wrong?" Vincenzo quickly asked, h scanned my face, trying to figure out what was wrong, "do you have a headache?"

I move back a little from him, "I'm fine, it's just a hungover," I lie.

I get up from the chair, "thanks," I try to quickly walk away from him but he was quick, he stood up and stood in front of me.

I tried to move away from him, but he steps in front of me again, "can you move please," I sigh

"You should rest Noah," he says, looking down at me, stupid height difference!

I narrow my eyes at him, "I'm fine, please excuse me," I walked around him, leaving him behind with a unpleased look on his face.

I spent the rest of the 6 hours at work, my body slowly deteriorating, my headache was killing me and Vincenzo had not left the whole day. I'm starting to think his an actual stalker...

Every time I showed any sign of pain he would jump up ready to come storming towards me only to shot back down when I glared at me, even though he didn't like me glaring he would still sit back down looking more pissed.

Finally the day was over, I grabbed my bag from the locker room and head outside.

"I'll drive you home," a voice says from besides me, I gasp and jump back, sighing when I realise it's none other than Vincenzo, leaning against the wall.

I walk forward, ignoring what he was saying, "it's okay, my apartment is close,"

He grabs my wrist, stopping me, "get in Noah,"

I pull my wrist away from him and then around, "no! Dude I don't even know who you are! Just leave me alone, you're freaking me out,"

He stared at me in shock but then just sighed and looked down, "I'm sorry,"

I stared at him, his intimidating figure suddenly looking very vulnerable, kinda making me feel bad for my outburst, but I was just protecting myself.

He looked up at me and he toke a step towards me, I almost toke a step back but stopped myself.

"I wish you'd remember me," he whispered, he gently placed his hands around my face, "try Noah, please,"

I stared at him confused, what was he on about?

I stepped back, "I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong person," I shake my head at him.

He sighs and narrows his eyes at me, "bye Noah," he turned around and walked away towards his car.

What on earth... Is going on?

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