{ prologue }

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"Where are we going, mommy?" The little boy asked from the backseat, he was overly excited thinking he'd finally get his ice cream treat for cleaning the house for the whole week.

"It's a surprise, we're going to see someone," she replied, the guilt was eating her away.

The quite father was driving them to their destination, both of them felt equal guilt, not sure how they would live with themselves after this, but it had to be done. No, it didn't.

The boy excitedly looked out the window, he didn't recognise anything, everything was different and they'd been driving for an hour.

After another hour they finally stopped the car, a man was sat on a benches hiding in the shadows, patiently waiting for his next prey.

He smirked as his eyes fell on the car parking up. The father exited the car, the mother next who opened the door, pulling out a little 12-year-old boy.

"Where are we, mommy?" He asked again, looking up at this mother who had glassy eyes, tears threatening to fall, again.

"You're going to meet someone, baby," she said looking down at her little boy, she tried to give the little boy a smile.

The little boy smiled looking back down, excited to meet whoever this person was, but mostly because he was meeting this person before his bother, Mason was.

His mother clutched onto his hand, while the father walked straight ahead towards the man sat in the shadows, his father hadn't glanced at him since they left the house, to afraid he'd back out after looking at his little boy's face.

The little boy's smile was slowly falling down after seeing the man in the shadows, he was getting scared.

"This must be the boy," the man looked at the boy, "he'll grow up to be beautiful," the parents tried hard to not show their disgusted faces. After hearing the man's word they finally felt the mistake they were making, but it was too late. No, it wasn't.

The mother let go of the boy's hand and gently pushed him ahead, toward the man who smiled, some of his teeth were gold, "hello boy,"

The boy turned around, trying to get back to his parents, before the man stopped him, "ahh no you don't," the boy froze in his place to scared to move.

He looked up at his mother, who was already in tears, then his father who was looking away, too ashamed.

The father finally spoke, "you'll be staying with him for while Will,"

"I don't want to," the boys bottom lip wobbled, he didn't want to stay with the scary man

"It's only for a little while, we'll come back for you," the mother pleaded.

The boy thought, his family wouldn't leave him behind, Mason wouldn't leave him behind, they'll come back for him.

Tears fell down the boy's cheeks, "promise you'll come back,"

The mother broke down, she got down on her knee and hugged the little boy whispering, "promise we'll be back,"

The father tapped the mother's shoulder, she got up letting the boy go, "we'll see you soon Will," they turn around, the father had his arm around the sobbing mother's shoulder

The last thing the boy heard was, "we're sorry."

And from that moment his life was not the same, he wasn't the same and the only memory he had with him was an older lady saying, "promise, we'll be back,"

The Mafias's Boy (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now