11: the truth

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. Noah .

I toke a deep breath and entered the orphanage, it been a week since I last saw Vincenzo, he hasn't come to the cafe in a while and I also lost the club job.

A day after I last saw Vincenzo, I got a call from the club that they no longer needed by help as they were over staffed, which was clearly a lie considering when I walked their I saw like one other person.

But it's whatever, as long a I still have my main job, I'm okay and not going to be homeless soon.

I made my way through the quite orphanage, the children were all in school and babies were probably in the nursery asleep.

"Noah?" Mum says when she notices me as I stood outside her office.

"Hey," I smiled and walked up to her, giving her a side hide, quickly walking back to sit in front of her desk.

"You didn't tell me you were coming," mum said surprised, she tidied up the scattered paperwork on her desk, putting them to the side

"Well it was a little last minute," I replied, picking my nails under the table.

"Ah, is everything alright Noah? You look stressed," she questioned, her face falling in a concerned frown, "have you been eating properly? You look thin,"

I sigh, "I'm alright mum, but I just wanted to ask you some questions,"

Her face suddenly changed and she almost looked scared and a little sad, "I see, what is it?"

Taking a deep breath I finally asked her, "do you know whose Vincenzo Kingston?"

Her head snapped up at me and her eyes widen, "why are you suddenly asking about him?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, "so you know who he is?"

she sighs and looks down her face falling into a frown, "I do and so do you,"

"What?" I raised my brow at her, I have never met that man in my life, I don't even know who his is?!

"Well you did," she gets up and walks towards one of the drawers in the side, pulling it open and looking through, until she finally pulls out a file and walks back towards her chair.

"He used to go as Vincenzo Hails, but obviously once his family finally found him, they changed his name," she open the first page, a picture of a little kid attached in the corner

"You liar!" I heard the voice of a little boy yelling in my head again.

I clenched my teeth as once again my head started pounding and the loud voice.

She continues, "you guys used to be really close, then one day his family came and toke him away,"

"But why can't I remember him?" I asked, staring at the picture of the little boy.

She frowns, "Noah the truth is much more complicated, I don't know if you're ready yet,"

"What do you mean? What's the truth?" I snapped, why does everyone keep hiding things from me?!

She got up from her seat and walked around, sitting on the seat besides me. She reached her hand forward and stroked my head, "I don't want to see you in pain, you're my son Noah, you have given me a chance to have a family and you will always be my son, no matter what the truth is,"

"You're scaring me, what's going on?" I asked her, my heart beating faster, did I wanna know the truth after this?

"I guess it time I told you the truth, you're grown now and can understand what I'm about to tell you. Please tell me if you're in any pain," she removed her hand from my head and held my clenched hand and stared at her confused but still nodded at her to continue,

"When you were little, you got into a very dangerous accident and lost your memory, I was your attending nurse at that time. The person that was driving, we had presumed that he must've been you family, but since he didn't have his seat belt on, he died at the scene.

When we discovered the mans identity, we had found out who he really was, a very cruel and evil man. We had knew straight away what happened to you and thought that contacting your real family would only put you at risk, so we didn't. It was a very hard decision to make, but at that time we could only think about what was the safest option for you.

So I decided to take you in, I couldn't have any children of my own and I know it was very selfish of me but, I just wanted to give you everything you deserved, a chance at life and a proper childhood," she stopped, tears rolling down her cheeks as she made no moves to clean them of

I stared at her, tears of my own freely falling, "who was the man?" I asked her, she shook her head, so I tired another question, "do you know
Who my real family is?"

She shook her head again, "unfortunately I could never find them, I tired but, they just disappeared,"

I toke my hands out of hers, causing her to look up at me with a hurt expression, I reached forward and wiped her tears, "thank you, I know you did the right thing, I love you," I got up and hugged her because I knew she needed it

"Thank you," she sobbed, "Thank you for not hating me,"

"I could never,"

After a moment passed I sat back down, "so whose Vincenzo?"

She breathed deeply and sighed, "he was one of the children in orphanages, he was here since a baby and when I brought you in, you were only 10 and he was 13. At first he was very hostile towards you even though you wanted to be friends with everyone including him and eventually I don't how, he finally gave in and after that you guys were inseparable but mostly him, he would never leave you alone and would not like it when the other kids toke you away from him.

But once he turned 16, his real family came for him, at first he didn't want to leave, but I believe the story was, you were waiting for him at the place you guys always met, the whole day, but he never turned up and eventually when you returned, only to find him gone without a word.

For some reason that triggered something in your brain, you stopped eating and was always sad, until your body couldn't take it anymore and you fell ill.

Strangely enough you woke you with no memories, again. The doctors thought this was your brains ways of protecting you from the pain and that all those memories and things you can't remember are stored away safely in the back of your head," she finally stopped, he head still looking down.

I stared at her confusion and shocked, why can't I remember! I want to remember! I was annoyed at myself for not remembering, if he was so important to me, why can't I remember him!

Suddenly all this felt to much, my head was throbbing more then usual and my vision was starting to get hazy, "ma?" I called out to my mother as I tried to stand up for some reason, only to stumble back down.

"It hurts!" I cried while clutching my head.

I could feel my mothers warm hand on my face while she called out for me, "Noah?! I'm so sorry!"

That's the last things I heard before my vision complete blanked out on me and I could no longer feel that pressure on my head. I was finally at ease.

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