14: who?

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"No," I argued back

"Yes," Vincenzo fought back, his glare hardening

This continued on for a while until Ma finally got fed up and stood up, "Alright stop this you two. Noah you either come stay with me or go with Vincenzo, you can't be alone because, I know you won't take your medication and go straight back to work,"

I pout and sigh, "no I won't," she gives me a deadpan look and stares at me blankly, waiting for my response.

I know Ma is really busy at the moment, I don't want to take her attention away from orphanage at the moment because, I know once I'm there she won't  focus on her work and it'll only stress her out more.

So that leaves me with, I groan,"fine, I'll stay with him,"

She smiles, "that's sorted then,"

I don't bother glancing at Vincenzo to know that he probably has his victory smirk on.

"I need to go to my apartment first thou," I say, while texting Jamie that I'll be home in an hour.

"Sure, I've already told your work place about your absence and they said it's fine with them if you take a few days or even weeks of," Vincenzo informed, but for some reason them being okay with me taking a week of work didn't seem right, it only made narrow my eyes at him suspiciously but he gave me a small smile.

"Alright let's get going then, I'm sure you can't wait to get out of here," ma said, standing besides me, while Vincenzo had my bag on his shoulder, that had my toiletries and old clothes in from the past 3 days.

I got up from the bed while slipping my shoes on, "lets go!"

"I'll drop of Lilian if you wan,  you and Vincenzo can go to your apartment and pick up whatever you need," Jayden suggested.

Ma smiled and nodded, "That sounds like a good idea, I'll take his bag then," she held her hand out for the bag Vincenzo was holding.

Vincenzo shook his head, "It's Okay I'll carry it outside," Ma nodded and we all headed out.

"This way," Vincenzo pointed, leading us towards two very sleek looking cars.

Jayden walked towards a red car, while taking the bag from Vincenzo and putting it in the boot, "I'll see you later then Vincenzo and Noah," he held his hand up with a smile.

I nodded, "drive safe,"

Ma walked up to me, pulling me into a hug, "you take care, call me if you need anything or just call me," I nodded, holding her tight.

Finally letting her go, we watch as they drive of, leaving us next to a very shiny and nice black car, Vincenzo walks around to the drivers side, "come on, get in,"



The drive was silent, I mostly spend the time staring out the window, until we reached my apartment.

We walked up to my apartment, I kept trying to turn the key but for some reason it wasn't working, I pushed the handle to find it open.


I quickly walked in, only to be attacked my a giant body, I almost fell back but a hand on my back stopped me.

"Noah!" Jamie cheered, wrapping his arms around me, I smiled and returned the hug,

"Hello Jamie, almost broke my back, but I missed you to," I say, feeling the family warmth wrap around me.

He pulls away, inspecting me, "gheez what happened, don't see any broken bones, no temperature, Hm what happened exactly?"

I shake his hands my of my shoulder, "Long story," I start making my way towards my room with Jaime hot on my tail, trying to get me to explain,

"I promise I will, once I've figured it out myself," I say without turning around and just opening my cupboard, standing on my tiptoes to reach for the luggage on top.

Notice my struggle Jaime steps forward and helps me out, "and what are you doing with your luggage?" He places the luggage on the bed

"I have to stay with a-eh a family member for a few weeks until I've recovered but don't worry I'll be back soon," I start stuffing as much as clothes as I can into the luggage with the help of Jaime who's questioning everything as he places clothes into the bag.

He helps me zip the luggage up and pull it to the front door, he lets go and turns around, "Okay don't know what going on but I trust you to tell me when you're ready, make sure to text me and take care I guess," he pulls me into a hug, which I gladly return,

"Don't worry I will," I tighten my arms around him, embracing the warmth.

The sound of someone clearing their throat causing us to pull away, finding Vincenzo standing in the middle of the small room, making him look like bigger than usual.

"You ready to go?" He asks, narrowing his eyes between me and Jaime, I nod and was about to reach for my bag before Jaime beats me to it, "I'll take this down, you lock up,"

I nod, Jaime leaves the room with Vincenzo following behind, leaving me alone in the room, I look around, already feeling a little home sick.

Taking a deep breath I my apartment, shutting the door gently behind me and locking it up.

Just as I'm about to walk back downstairs I'm stopped by my neighbour, Fin, "hey Noah, haven't seen you past few days, how you been?"

I smile, "hey Fin, I was just away for a few days, anyone come around?" I ask, despite knowing it would be a no.

But it wasn't, he furrows his brow and thinks, suddenly his face brightens, "ah! There was, this guy came around looking for you, tall, brown messy hair and green eyes, didn't leave a name though," he shrugs


Before I could ask him anything else, I notice someone coming up the stairs, Vincenzo, "hey, what's holding you up?"

"Sorry, just bumped into m my neighbour," I turn towards Fin, "thanks for letting me know and I see you then,"

Fin nods, "no problem man, see yah," he waves, walking of.

I make my way towards Vincenzo, both of us walking back down the stairs, while I wondered who the hell came looking for me.

I didn't know a lot of people, so who could it have been?

"Woah!" I felt Vincenzo's arms wrap around my torso, preventing me from fall, wow how did I just miss a step. Great Noah, keep embarrassing yourself.

Vincenzo let's go once you've reached the bottom of the stairs, "you just got your memories back, don't need you forgetting me again," he humoured.

I shake my head at him, ignoring his 'joke'.

This was going to be long few weeks or days, who knows how long I'll be staying with him.

Lord help me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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