8: Drunk

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.     Noah     .

It was Friday night, I got call from work saying that I didn't need to go in today for some reason, so Jamie decided to come over.

"Come on Noah, pleaseeee," he pleaded, Jaime has been bugging me for the past hour to go to a club with him.

"Whyyyyy, can't we just stay in?" I frowned, laying on the sofa

"We always do, come on for once let's go enjoy, you finally got a Friday night off," he says, giving me his best puppy eyes

I think about it, I mean it's true

"Fine, but you better not ditch me for a girl?" I glare at him, "I mean I'm not gonna cockblock you, but let me know before you disappear,"

He suddenly jumps up, clapping, "yes, yes! Thank you Noah!"

We started getting ready around 8:30 to leave, I mean Jaime didn't really change and I just changed from my pjs into a pair of blue jeans, white top, brown jacket and trainers

It's not like I'm going to get laid so I didn't really bother putting any effort into the way I was dressed. Expect I had changed my glasses for lenses, because I didn't want to lose them in the crowd and have to buy new ones.

"Let's go!" Jaime cheered, walking us towards his car.

We finally reached a club that was like half n hour drive,

"This place looks expensive," I said, eyeing the tall building, it looked really nice on the outside, so imagine the inside.

"It is, but just order the cheaper drinks I guess," he shrugged, getting out the car, I followed closely behind him.

Stopping in long queue, tired, I lean against Jaime's back as he stepped forward every time the queue would move.

"ID," I hear the guard at the front say, causing me to straighten up and pull my id out.

He stares at mine for long than necessary, probably trying to work out if it's real or fake because sometimes I looked like a baby apparently.

He stiffly nods and we both walk in, "let's go to the bar," Jaime points, walking ahead as I followed closely behind.

This club was massive, it looked so cool despite being so full, it still looked really roomy? I don't how to describe it, it was big okay.

"What do you want?" Jaime asks turning to me,

I shrug, "water?"

He laughs, "Don't worry I'll get you something I'm having," hesitantly I nod.

"Here," he says, pushing a small glass towards me,

Hesitantly I pick up the glass, just today, with that in mind I down the drink in one go, letting the bitter liquid travel down my throat.

"That's strong," I comment, Jaime only smiles and nods, reaching for another small glass and I decide to do the small.

After like 3 glasses, I was already feeling pretty drunk. I get of the chair, holding Jamie's shoulder and whisper in his ear, "let's go dance,"

Jamie gets up and walks ahead of me, I followed him to the middle of the dance floor.

The music felt louder than it did when we first came in, I was randomly dancing, jumping up and down, following the beat of the music.

Then I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer them and whispering in my ear, "Damn baby, you look so sexy. Wanna dance?"

Not bothering to answer, I just start dancing with him, unconsciously grinding myself against his lower half, causing a groan to slip out of him. I turn around to wrap my arms around his neck, just when he was about to lean down to meet my lips, it all ended.

He was roughly pushed away from me, causing him to stumble onto the floor and groan in pain while yelling, "what fuck are-" instead of continuing his sentence, his eyes widen and he looked terrified as if he'd just seen his worst nightmare in front of him.

I was about to look at source of his fright but, I didn't need to when it walked past me, towards the guy on the floor, I could still only see his broad shoulders. He bent down and grabbed the guys face, squeezing it and saying something causing the guy to frantically nod and run away.

The guy stood but and turned to me, with a glare he walked towards me, taking a hold of my wrist as he pulled me along with him.

"Stop! Who are you and where are you taking me?!" I panicked, trying to release his hold of my wrist but he didn't budge.

He finally stopped when we got outside and let go of my wrist, I instantly wrap my hand around my red wrist.

"You're lucky I was there or King would've killed that guy," the dark haired guy said, I could only stare at him in confusion, "who? King?"

"His-" he was cut of when a deep and a very calm voice called my name,


I tilt my head to the side to get a better look at the man that was standing few steps behind the black haired guy, but for some reason he was really blurry,

He starts walking forward, passing the black haired eye and stand directly in front of me, giving me a much clear view of his face,

He looked familiar...

Oh no

"What happened?" Mr smexy asked, not specifically to me though, even though his eyes stayed glued to me.

"Don't worry about it, I toke care of it," black haired guy says, causing Mr smexy to clench his jaw and narrow his eyes.

He was about to say something but suddenly my eyelids felt heavier and it was getting difficult to stand up,

I stumbled forward, crashing into Mr smexy hard chest, he instantly wraps his arms around me, stabling me.

"You should take him home, I think his had quite a few drinks," I hear the other guy say.

I was about to fall asleep but not before mumbling, "who are you?" And I was out like a light.

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