1: Hot!

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. Noah .

See everyone has a bucket list, while mine was more in my head I made it up as I went along life, so running away from the cops just made its way onto my list.

I can't believe they're even chasing me for a petty crime, these police officers should be going after some murderers or shit.

This was exciting at first, but now I'm just getting tried and my lungs are screaming at me to stop.

I toke a few more turns, hoping to lose them and finally I came to an area which seemed like a shopping area for stupid rich people.

There must be a sale because it was more packed than usually, and no offence they didn't look like they can even afford Gucci belt, and these people were carry more than enough bags with themselves.

Even if there was sale I don't think I can afford any of this stuff...

I joined the crowd, hiding between people, then my eyes fell on an empty store, they didn't seem to be holding a sale.

I thought that the cops would think I'll be going into a store full of people but I'm smarter than them. Luckily I was short enough that I didn't need to bend down, using the people as shields, I quickly entered the shop.

Not bothering to greet the staff at front, I went to the back where there was shirts, and pretended to look, making quick glances out the window.

"Hi sir, is there anything I can help you with?" A young girl, who appeared to be an staff asked.

I randomly picked up a shirt, "do you have this in small?"

She looks at me confused, "that's a small, sir,"

Looking at the shirt, I notice the little S on the inside of the shirt, "hmm this looks different from the small I usually wear," pretending to be disappointed, I make move to put the shirt back but she stops me, "it's from Germany so the sizes are usually different, you can try it on if you'd like?"

More places to hide?

I quickly nod, "sure I'd like that," she leads me towards a room blocked with curtains, going through the curtains, I find more rooms.

Not really bothered, so I open the first one, biggest mistake, I yelp in surprise, quickly closing the curtain and going to neighbouring one.

I sit down and try to calm my beating heart, images of the guys shirtless body appearing in my head, his whole chest was covered in tattoos, it was beautiful. I didn't really get a good look at his face but his very toned 6 packs told me that wasn't going to be only beautiful thing.

I just sat in the room for a few minutes, getting my phone out I texted Jamie, just in case he was with the cops, I turned my number private and texted him,

Me: Hello son, it's your uncle Noah. I haven't heard from you in months, please give me call when you can. I miss you son

Looking down at my message, I chuckle, we're so stupid.

After I felt like I've been in here enough, I decide to leave the changing room, the girl from earlier was stood outside

I hand her the shirt, "it didn't seem to fit well and not really my style, thank you though," leaving her confused, I leave the store, praying that it's safe.

But, sadly there was one cop on his phone right across from me, luckily he was looking down so it gave me enough time to hide.

I quickly hid behind the closest thing, which happened to be a tall guy, I was trying my best not to touch the guy and give away my hiding spot and to my luck he still hadn't turned around.

Also my hiding spot seemed to be a good hearing range from the cop who was talking on the phone, "No...Yes I couldn't find the boy...You too...Lets just leave it, just don't bother reporting it in or else we'll be in more troubles...alright bye," and the conversation ending, the cop turned around and walked away.

I was too busy listening to the cops that I didn't even notice the towering guy staring down at me, he was watching me intently. I gulped, I'm dead.

At least my last sight would be a beautiful man, he was basically my ideal man, minus the scary part. He was tall, I only came up to his lips, which by the way looked totally kissable. He had dark brown hair, nicely styled back and his eyes, I couldn't decide if they were light green or grey...Weird I know.

But the main point is, his beautiful and I'm about to die.

Suddenly there was two other scary guys by his side, "you okay, boss?" One asked, looking down at me, this 'boss' guy seemed to ignore him and continue staring at me.

Then he finally spoke and it was beautiful, "What are you doing?" And scary

For some reason I blurted out the truth, well not that easily, "well umm, cops," I pointed

Wow now his gonna think I'm a criminal...

He raises one very nice eyebrow at me, in question, probably wanting me to expand my answer, but I don't.

Also my neck was starting to hurt from look up so I toke a few steps back, "anyways thanks for the support, I'm gonna go now, bye," I turned to bolt away from the scene.

Luckily I was fast enough, or the guys just let me go, who cares, I'm free.

Suddenly my phone vibrates in my pocket, a call from Jamie, I answer,

"Hello, is this my uncle Noah," He sniggers

I chuckle and respond,"oh my dear nephew, I have so much to tell you,"

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