13: Food!

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My eyes scanned the room as I searched for another familiar face until it fell on my mother's concerned face.

"Ma?" I called out for her, she was hesitant to approach me but once she noticed my expression she ran towards me, pulling me into a hug.

I tried wrapping my arms around her but Enzo was holding my other hand, not letting it go so, instead I wrapped my free hand around her.

"I'm so sorry baby," she cried, "I was so worried,"

"It's okay, I'm okay," I said, rubbing her back.

She finally pulled away when the doctor entered the room,

"Hello Noah, I see you're finally awake," the doctor said, as she smiled at me and texted the machines on my right.

"Tell me, how are you feeling?" She asked.

I slowly nod, "I feel okay actually, expect the dull headache,"

She hums in response, "that's great, the headache is normal but tell me if it gets to much,"

She continued, "what about your memory?"

I sighed and glancing at the man that stood besides me, watching the doctors every move, I notice him staring at me with hope.

I turned my attention back to the doctor, "I remember my time after the accident, but nothing before that," I hope she understood that I was referring to my big accident,

She nodded, "well that's great and don't put to much pressure on yourself to remember the events before the accident, it's not good for your health," I could only nod in response.

"That'll be all for now, I'll back to check up on you again and we can discuss when you can be discharged," she smiled and me and walked out the room, leaving us in silence.

"So you remember everything?" Enzo voiced, walking around to stand besides me. I need to stop calling him Enzo, he's not Enzo anymore, he's Vincenzo now.

I nod, "not everything, but most," I notice him smile and nod.

I turn towards my mother, "Ma? How long was asleep because, I'm starving,"

She smiles, "just a day and don't worry, I'll go fetch some food," she was about to walk away when the unfamiliar presence in the room stopped her,

"I'll join you," he said, my mother nodded and the both walked out, leaving me and Vincenzo alone in the room.

Well this is awkward...

Should I ask now, or is it to early?

Instead of saying anything I just stared down at my lap, while fiddling with my hands, can they just get back with the food already!

"Noah?" I snapped my head up at him once hearing my name, he was intently staring at me. I raised my brows at me, waiting for him to continue.

He sighed and sat on the stool besides my bed, "I know you have a lot of questions-"

Before he could say anything, I cut him of, "I'd rather not talk about it now,"

I mean no matter how bad I want to know, fill in the gaps, I don't think this is a good time yet, I'd rather enjoy the feeling of having my memories back and even though I want to deny it, I'd also like to enjoy his presence for now.

He nodded, "I understand, we'll only talk about it when you're ready,"

Instead I decide to speak, "sorry I didn't recognise you,"

He gave me a sad smile, "It wasn't your fault,"

I nodded and smiled, "How have you been then, well since the last time I saw you," I asked.

He stared at me for a moment before answering, "I'd say my days are getting better,"

"That's good," there wasn't anything else to talk about really, expect the conversation I was avoiding.

Luckily the door opened, freeing us from our silence,

"Sorry toke us to look, I had a feeling you'd not the hospital food so, Jayden here offered to drive us and we got your favourite, McDonalds!" Ma cheered, holding out 4 bags of McDonalds.

I cheered and held my hand out, but someone had to interrupt my reunion with my one true love,

"Is it okay for him to eat that now?" Vincenzo enquired, a concerned frown on his face.

I roll my eyes, "yes, it is very okay for me to eat that now," I grab a bag from my mothers hand and start unpacking, while ignoring Vincenzo unpleased mumbling.

"Where's my phone? Did you tell Jaime?" I asked, while dipping my fries in the sauce.

She quickly looked into her bag and pulled out my phone, "here, I didn't really get a chance to check it," she says, passing me my phone.

Staring down at my phone I notice multiple messages and calls from Jamie and work.

Well shit.

Instead of replying I send a snap to Jamie, a picture of myself captioned, 'I lived bitch'

As soon as it showed that he opened the snap, my phone starting ringing,

"Hey," I said as I answered the phone,

"Hey?!" Jaime yelled, "Where have you been? I went your apartment and you weren't there, you wouldn't-"

I cut him of, "gheez chill out, I'm fine,"

Okay that made it worse

"Chill out! Do you know how worried I was?" He continued ranting,

I finally waited for him to finish, "Are you done?"

"Yes, I'm done," he breathed

I finally speak, "okay firstly I'm sorry I unconscious so I couldn't respond to you, I'm at the hospital now-what? No you don't need to  come here, I'll be home tonight maybe, I don't know,"

"What happened, why are you at the hospital?" He asks, I hear shuffling in the background.

"Don't worry it's not anything serious, I guess I overworked myself to much," I lie, it was to much to explain to Jaime at the moment and I didn't really find it necessary to explain right now.

I hear him sigh, "I told you! I told you not to get that other job, but no! You just would listen would you,"

I roll my eyes, "yes, yes you did, now calm down and let me enjoy my McDonalds, I'll call you once I get home," we both say bye and finally cut the phone.

I had completely forgot that I wasn't alone in the room, I look up to find Vincenzo staring at me in amusement. I felt my heart beat faster, suddenly realising that he'd be listening to me talking to Jaime all the time.

I really need to get my heart checked while I'm here...It beats to much around a certain someone.

I know what that means but I don't want it to be true.

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