3: Cheater

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.     Noah     .

"What the hell?" I say, giving Jamie a dirty look, "stop trying to scare me,"

His smirk instantly changes from a smirk to his usually cheery face, "hello N, did you think I was one of those scary guys," he glances at those men still sat in our spot.

I look up and before I could look away, my eyes meet a pair of what seemed to blue, brown eye? Okay maybe I'm just blind...

But I quickly looked away before he'd notice me staring, but I could still feel his stare lingering on the side of my face. Omg please stop looking!

"So what do you wanna do?" Jamie asks, sitting in the swing besides me

I shrug in response, "nothing that includes the cops or getting chased," I glare at him,

He throws his head back laughing, while holding the swing chains on the side, "that was funny, can't believe those stupid cops actually chased up and over what? Because, we stole their donuts," he continues laughing.

Remembering the incident I also laugh, "why did they even chase us for though, so stupid,"

"Probably shouldn't have stole the cops donut," he says, recovering from his laughter and so do I.

"Ahhh, that was fun though, scary but thrilling," I smile, leaning my head against the cold chains.

"It was," he also smiles and releases a deep breath

"So What do you wanna do?" I ask, gently swinging back and forth

"I don't know, it's Saturday, the times only 5:34pm, you wanna grab something to eat?" He turns to ask me

I shrug, "yeah sure," and get of the swing, Jamie follows

"Shall we go the other way?" I whisper, we had to walk past those scary men

"That ways longer, and the opposite way to Mel's Diner," he groans, knowing I'm gonna try and force him to to the other way

I roll my eyes and sigh, "fine." I turn my body towards the group of men, making sure to not look or make any eye contact.

We walked past as fast as we could I mean Jamie was practically walking at a normal pace, his tall legs giving him to advantage while I had to do a little jog sometimes to catch up.

"Wait you giant!" I yell at that idiot, who was happily walking ahead with his 6 foot something height, thinking I was next to him, suddenly he stops and turns around, "oh sorry, forgot about your tiny legs," he teases,

I dramatically gasp, "I'll have you know my legs are not tiny," I was only almost 5'5, so it's alright....

He chuckles and nods his head, "sure buddy," mocking me.

I narrow my eyes at him, just you watch you, I walk towards him and just as I stand a little close to him, I slightly jump and smack the back of his head, catching him of guard.

Before he could do anything I quickly run ahead, only turning around when I'm far enough from him and sticking my tongue out at him.

Just then I also realise that we seemed to have an audience, clearly enjoying the show as they were staring at us amused, their lips tilted to the side a little.

Mr Semxy from earlier had his eyes fully on me, watching me intently, like I said I'm probably half blind because he was quite far so I couldn't make out if he was staring at me in Awh or in confusion, thinking who is this strange kid?

I quickly look away to find Jamie, glaring at me while rubbing the back of his head, causing me to chuckle and say, "bet you didn't see me coming from all the way up there,"

Jamie smiles and shakes his head but before he could say anything, I yell, "race you to Mels!" And run.

I hear Jamie in the back, "oh no, not again!"

We always randomly race each other to places, last one either pays for food or does a dare.

Event though I really didn't wanna do this, I actually just wanted to get out the park, it was to weird for me, that guy and all those weird guys, looking all shady. Yeah not my thing.

I stop once I've left park, waiting for Jamie, I really couldn't be bothered to race, but before I know it Jamie dashes past me while laughing, "Ha loser!"

"No!" I start running again but, I knew I was gonna lose anyways, "you cheat!" I yell after him.

Just as I run I notice a line of black cars driving past us, there he was again.

Mr semxy was in the second car, back seat, he windows rolled down as he stared at me, tilting his head to the side.

Ignoring him I continued running trying to ignore his intense stare until they finally drove of god knows where.

I reach Mel's diner to find Jaime leaning against the side, looking relaxed while I was clearly dying and in need of oxygen.

"Loser," He taunts as I reach besides him. Bending down to catch my breath, looking up slightly to glare at him.

"Come on slow coach, I'll decide inside," he gets of the wall and walks inside with me trailing behind him.

I huff and sit across from Jamie in one the
booths by the window, while a waiter comes and gives us our menus and walked back, telling us to call him when we're ready. His cute...

"So," Jaime smiles mischievously and leans back in his seat, "I pick dare,"

I groan and lay my head on my table, "if I remember clearly, that's how the cops started chasing us because you dared me to steal the donut,"

He gives me a toothy smile, "anyways, this time I want you to ask for the waiters number," he dared

I gasped, "Dude no!"

"It's a dare," he shrugged

"I'll see," I narrowed my eyes at him and leaned back against the chair.

We called the waiter back and ordered our food,

"You didn't ask," Jaime states

"I will, at my own time," I say

Once again, he dropped the food of at our table and left, causing Jaime to get suspicious but I just shrugged him of. Even when we were done and he left the bill, I didn't ask.

"Dude when are you gonna ask?" He asked, getting impatient

"Calm down. I will ask don't worry," I reassure him.

We paid our bill and as we were heading out, Jaime kept staring back, watching me, until we stepped out the store.

"You're not-" before could say anything, I cute him of, "you didn't say when I have to get this number, so next time I come I'll get it,"

I quickly walk of with Jaime shouting behind me, "you cheat! You know that's not how dares work!"

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