6: Stalker?

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. Noah .

I was at my normal shift on Friday afternoon, when I notice familiar faces flood the café.

The family from the neighbourhood I walk past everyday was here, Mr smexy was here, even Jamie wanted to chill at the café and finish his essay.

But how is that I keep bumping into Mr smexy, how many accidental meetings can actual occur before I start considering the idea of him stalking me.


Nah, I doubt his stalking me, I'm sure it's coincidence, the café I work at, 'The coffee club', is actually a pretty popular café and has really good WiFi, so I'm sure it's nothing.

Taking a deep breath as the customer before Mr smexy leaves,

"Hi, What can I get you?" I say with my work smile

He stares at me intently and smirks, "I'll have a coffee, can I get it to my table?" He asks

Clearing my throat, "Okay and yes you may, what number table are seating on?"

He looks back at the tables and after glancing around he turns back, "table 7,"

"That'll be $3.99," He gets his card out and scans it, "thank you," I say and nod, pressing a few things on the screen, printing out 2 receipts, I hand him one, "thank you, your coffee will be served to your table,"

After one last look he nods and walk to his table which was in the corner.

I pass the second receipt to Anna who usually makes the drinks and continue taking orders.

The same family from the neighbourhood were sat at table 8, the corner booth, the guy who I presume is the son, was next in line to order.

"Hey, what can I get you?" I smiled

He stared at me intently for a few seconds before placing his order, "two teas, coffee and hot chocolate, I'll also take a few of those chocolate chip cookies,"

"By few how many exactly do you mean?" I ask,
Just go be clear to he doesn't come complaining later.

He smiles, "3 and I'll like the order to table 8 please,"

I nod and tell him the price which he pays and I hand him his change, "here's you receipt and your order will be ready shorty,"

He nods and walks away to his table, I turn around to help prepare the drinks since there was no other new customers in my line left.

"Hey Noah, can you give table 7 their drink please, Chelsea's gone on break," Anna says, pushing a tray towards me.

I nod and pick the tray up carefully, turning around and walking to table 7.

Oh no

"Your coffee," I say, placing the drink on the table of the tray.

I was about to turn around and walk away when he stopped me, "wait," I paused, "is everything okay sir?"

"How many jobs do you work exactly?" He asks, he eyes narrowing a little.

I tilt my head a little and stare at him confused, "why?"

He shrugs, "just asking, you were at the bar and now you're here,"

I slowly nod, "I only work 2 jobs. Is that all?"

He stares a me for a few seconds then nods, I slowly turn around and walk back, strange...

"Noah, table 6 order," Anna gives me the tray before I could even go back behind the counter,  I take the tray from her hand, "thanks,"

I walk towards table 6 with the very heavy tray, walking past Jamie on the way, who was very focused on his essay, I stared longingly at the books pilled up next to his desks.

No no no

Trying not to think about my situation right now, I silently walk past Jamie not wanting to disturb his train of thoughts or focus.

"Two teas, coffee, hot chocolate and 3 very yummy chocolate chip cookies," I say, placing the order on the table.

I look up, "enjoy-" I was cut short when I notice the family staring at me, the little girl was focused on her hot chocolate but she to looked up when she noticed her family staring at me.

The older man and women, gave me such sad looks, trying not to think much of it I asked, "is everything okay with your order?"

They didn't say anything but the guy who placed the order suddenly stood up, causing me to flinch back a little at the speed he stood up.

He cleared his throat, "sorry, you have something there," he said, pointing to the side of his hairline, just in line with the arch of his brows.

I follow his motion and try dust it of a little, "erm thanks,"

"Wait," he steps forward to, causing me to take a step back, "don't worry, I'll take it off," he reaches for the same spot, but before he could touch me, someone grabs his hand from behind me.

I turn my head around only to find mr semxy holding the guys hand, his expression blank, but his eyes looked like they were ready to kill the guy on the spot.

I turn back to the guy to find his eyes wide open, he looked scared as hell, not only him his family to.

What's going on?

I notice the guy trying to get his hand out the guys grasp only for mr smexy to tighten his grip.

He stare grew more intense, "thought I told you, don't get to close," he said, they clearly knew each other.

"Noah!" I hear Anna shout from behind the counter, my smexy doesn't flinch or shift his stare.

I quickly glance up to find her glaring at me, she looks around me, when her eyes fall on me semxy, her eyes widen and mouth open, she quickly turns around and continues working.


I step back, trying to walk around the pair, mr semxy glances at me, directing with his head to go, which I gladly do.

I glance back to see him letting go of the guys hand, which was very red, mr smexy turns to the family and says something because the family freeze and all look down scared.

I am so confused right now

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