[14] - Know Your Facts

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"Your bed is so fucking comfortable." Juliana said, allowing her body to sink into the soft mattress and the fluffy pillows of Wren's king sized bed.

Wren chuckled as he grabbed his stuff to take his own shower. He figured he'd shower now so that he didn't have to worry about it after studying for who knows how long. The last thing he wanted was to fall asleep in the shower.

Yes, he speaks from experience.

He can still feel the pain in his head just thinking about it.

Jules had already showered and changed into her pajamas, a pair of blue shorts that hugged her figure — which Wren tried his best to not admire out of respect — and a lose tank top. Her damp hair was wrapped in a towel as it dried. She looked foolish, but Wren honestly thought it was adorable.

"I have like three extra thin memory foam mattresses on top, that's why." Wren said. He tugged his shirt over his head, throwing it in his dirty clothes basket to be washed tomorrow.

Wren heard a small squeal from behind him. When he turned around to look at Jules, he saw her with her hands slapped over her eyes. However, if he looked close enough he could see the small gap between her middle and ring fingers on both hands. Her eyes were wide and looking over Wren's toned and tattooed body.

She slowly removed her hands from her eyes at Wren's chuckle. "I expected you to be more tatted up." She said after a couple seconds.

Wren grabbed a towel, and Jules didn't miss the way that his back muscles flexed as he reached up in his closet to get the towel off of the top shelf.

"I plan to get more, don't worry." He joked. "They also hurt like a bitch, so I have to mentally prepare myself for the pain." His eyes flickered to her arm where the fading fake tattoo he had given her was sitting on her skin. "Have your friends noticed that your tattoo is fading yet?" He nodded towards it, throwing his towel over his shoulder.

Jules cleared her throat. "Uh, no. Not yet at least. I haven't seen them much because of exams and such."

He nodded. "Well you make yourself comfortable like you already are. I'm gonna go take a shower."

Wren disappeared into the bathroom, and Jules released a breath she hadn't realized that she was holding. She relaxed back in the bed, making sure to leave enough room for Wren whenever he laid down.

Jules didn't know why she felt flustered when Wren removed his shirt. Growing up in a household of boys, she was used to half naked boys walking around all day. But Wren...for some reason Wren was different. And Jules didn't quite know why.

In the bathroom, Wren turned on the shower faucet at hot as it could go, which wasn't very hot. He had already showered a couple of hours ago, but he had a lot on his mind since then.

Namely, Jules.

The shower was his place to think. It allowed him to relax as his mind released everything that was driving him crazy. Today however, the shower wasn't so relaxing.

Jules was in the other room, in his bed, waiting for him to come out. When he had first seen Jules in his bed minutes ago, his heart had skipped a couple of beats and he felt nauseous. At least he thought is was nausea. When she had rung the doorbell earlier, his palms began to sweat, and he hastily looked in the mirror to make sure he didn't look too rugged.

He had no idea why he did that. He felt stupid afterwards and ended up ruffling his hair to put it back the way it was before.

His breath was nearly taken away when he pulled open the door, his lips quirking when he saw her struggle with the bag over her shoulder. She fixed it before looking up at him with a bright grin.

"Good evening, fucktard." She had greeted, pushing past him to walk into his apartment.

His grin widened despite the insult.

Out of frustration, Wren scrubbed his skin harder. He couldn't get her out of his head. He hadn't been able to the past couple of days.

He didn't know what it was about her. Maybe it was the way she looked at him? Maybe it was the way she always made sure there were no awkward moments between them? Wren didn't know.

Wren sighed, knowing that he had been in the shower long enough. His body tingled at the though of leaving the room and getting into the bed with Jules. Maybe I'm sick?, he thought. He wasn't sick. Deep down, he knew he wasn't.

Wren dried off and dressed into a fresh pair of clothes, omitting the shirt. He hated sleeping with his shirt on. He also hated sleeping with pants on but he knew he couldn't take them off because of Jules. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea.

He decided to let his hair air dry since he wasn't going to sleep right then. He hung up his wet towel and brushed his teeth before leaving the bathroom.

Jules was laying on her side facing the bathroom door with her phone in front of her. Her eyes flicked across the screen, and Wren guessed that she was reading.

Her eyes flickered up to him when he walked out, lingering on his chest and abs for a few milliseconds before meeting his eyes.

"You still gonna study?" She asked, scooting over so Wren had enough space to lay down. Wren did, sliding under the covers next to her.

"Yeah. I have an exam tomorrow and I need to do some last minute cramming."

Jules raised a brow as she plugged her phone up to her charger and put it on the nightstand. "Have you studied yet this week?"

Wren scoffed. "Of course I have."

A knowing smile rose on her lips. "How many times?"

"Like...once." Wren sheepishly said, rolling on his side to look at Jules just as she blew a strand of hair out of her face.

"I wish I could do that. You study once and you're still a goddamn genius." 

"That's not what my last report card said." 

Jules pursed her lips. She had seen his last report card, and she knew it was nothing short of all A's.

"Wren, don't you bullshit me right now. You know good and well that you got all A's."

"And a B. Know your facts." He grinned as Jules rolled her eyes. She let out a yawn, blinking the water out of her eyes afterwards.

She shut her eyes as she spoke. "You know, I want to know what you're like drunk." She mumbled. 

"Drunk?" Wren laughed. 

"Mhm. I think you're a funny drunk."

"Well then, maybe we should both get drunk sometime. I'm curious about you too."

A small smile grew on Jules' lips. "I'd like that. Goodnight..."

Her voice trailed off as she fell asleep, leaving Wren with warm cheeks and the odd feeling to pull her close to him.

He didn't instead getting out of the bed and sitting at his desk, knowing that no productive studying would come when Jules was filling every corner of his mind. 

Had he just asked her out?

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