[20] - Can Birds Fly?

115 11 1

Wren | Wes

"Have you seen my red ink?"


"Do you have any I can borrow?"

"Don't know."

"Is the sky blue?"

"I don't know."

"Can birds fly?"


"Okay man, what's going on? You just told me you don't know what color the sky is and that birds don't fly. What happened in the last 24 hours that's gotten you so shook up?"



"I think I falling in love with Juliana?"


"Why are you laughing?"


"Dude, seriously, why the hell are you laughing?"

"I just...It took you this long to figure that out? I could tell you liked her when she came here for that tattoo."

"Really? It was that obvious?"

"Yeah, man."

"Do you think she knows?"

"Nah. Love tends to blind some people. Are you gonna tell her?"

"That's what I was thinking about. I don't know. What if she doesn't like me back? What if I ruin everything between us and we stop sleeping together and then neither of us can sleep and then we both--"

"Dude, calm the fuck down. Its not that serious. Be positive. It'll do you some good. Let me give you a word of advice. Remember Rebecca?"

"The girl you used to date in high school?"

"Yeah. I was completely in love with the girl and never told her. It turned out to do more harm than good. She got a boyfriend to try and get over her feelings for me, and when they were dating I got shitface drunk and confessed my feelings for her. She ended up slapping me across the face and telling me that I had told her too late. She had already fallen out of love with me and was in love with her boyfriend. It crushed me. I encourage you to tell her. You don't have to tell her now, but you should tell her soon before things change."

"O-Okay. I'll tell her soon."

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